
Saturday, November 14, 2009

long time, no blog...'s been a while. Let me catch you up-

Halloween was a great night- the kids loved their costumes and even posed for me early that morning. The results were great:

Princess Leia:
Boba Fett:

I signed up to make the goody bags for Oliver's Halloween party at school. Thank goodness I had a halper, as it took me a while to assemble them.

The bags included a cute board book about a silly inventor, a Halloween cup, some stickers, a crazy straw, and some yummy treats....

A finished bag of loot:

The next day, (November 1) the kids, mom, and I drove to Nashville to see my friend Tabitha. She and her husband are expecting their first baby (Roma James) in February. SO exciting. She looks adorable pregnant, by the way. Here's Tabitha and Eliza:

And here's a pic of Tabitha, Stavros, and me as I'm giving her the baby book I made for Roma:

Fast-forward 10 days, which brings us to November 10. A Tuesday. Tropical Storm Ida is dumping tons of rain on us, along with some pretty heavy winds. It's raining so hard that Clay can't even go into work. We talked on the phone at lunch time, and about ten minutes later, a HUGE tree fell on our house. Yep...right on the roof. Clay was inside the house at the time, even in the ROOM the tree hit. Needless to say, he was scared like a little girl. (I'm sure I would have been too) It hit on top of the den, and above Eliza's room, but amazingly there's not a whole lot of damage. God is GOOD. Not even a broken window. And LOTS of great firewood for this winter...

Here's Clay being a lumberjack, and splitting logs:

And here's me...(I'm so strong)
Jon, Clay, Kent, and Jeff- thanks to these guys, the tree is now mostly cut up and has already been hauled away!

Above Eliza's room:

Above the den shortly after it fell:

It fell on top of the tree outside Oliver's window and split it:

Not quite sure why there's two of this pic, but go ahead and enjoy it again:
Another pic- that's Clay in those fabulous coveralls:

So, as you can's been quite eventful around here. Oliver has homework this weekend to decorate a turkey that came home in his backpack. We started on it yesterday, and will glue the finishing touches on it today. Pictures to come soon....

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