
Monday, November 15, 2010

how to make an easy-shmeezy fall wreath

here's another of my latest crafts. I saw this on the web somewhere and decided to put my own personal spin on it. Here's one I saw on etsy that's pretty close to mine. Or... mine is close to theirs? Whatev....

this is my finished product. I had everything I needed already except for the wreath form, which I picked up at the dollar tree. Here's MM helping to model the fab wreath form in its nakedness.
I took some handy-dandy yarn (I picked a nice dark orange, you know, cause it's fall-ish and whatnot) and just started wrapping. I wrapped and wrapped and wrapped..... making sure there were no gaps. I wrapped pretty tight, yo. And then I secured both ends to the back of the wreath form with hot glue. Be careful. It will totally burn your skin. So don't touch it.

Just in case you already forgot, this is what my finished product looked liked. Ain't she a beaut?

Let's have a closer look at those rosettes, shall we? (keep on reading for how I made those pretties)
Here's where the wreath now lives. On the mantle. It's all buddy-buddy with my white ceramic urn from the thrift store and my twig pumpkin from Target.

And here it is with 'mood lighting'. Lovely.
(yes, my 'Got Candy' banner is still up from Halloween. Don't judge.)

Now, onto that brown felt rosette. I started with a plain 'ole circle, like this:
(actually, you will need several circles this size, so if you have a standard size piece of felt, go ahead and cut as many as you can from that piece.
take another one of your circles, fold it in half, and hot glue it to your first circle. Like this:

Working clockwise, keep glueing your folded circles around the original circle, and you end up with this. You'll want to finish off the center with a button or something like that. I used an old button I had in a bucket of them I purchased at wal-mart at least a decade ago. (see hubs, sometimes it's good to keep stuff)

As for the other rosette, that's coming tomorrow. It was so fraptastically easy, I forgot to take pics so I'm making another one. I also made some headbands and hair clips over the weekend that I'll be sharing soon. Below is another felt flower I made and glued a pin to the back to wear on tops and scarves and such.
It was so incredibly nasty and cold here ALL day that I'm ready to pin it to my snuggie, curl up with my hubs and the kiddos, drink some hot chocolate, and watch Lisa Robertson on PM style on QVC tonight. Oh wait, .....our cable is still wonky. Not to mention the fact that the hubs would rather me not even say QVC. Ah well.....


  1. LOVE the wreath! It's so very Autumn-y!!

  2. cute - we have the same bamboo circle/plate thing from Tarjay... but mine is green and I liked it so much I bought a 2nd not realizing I already had one (this was when we were in our rental house and all my decor was in storage) - oops!
