
Saturday, November 20, 2010

signing, doctoring, shopping, and organizing, OH MY!

So.... as I said in my earlier post, Clay and I decided to refinance our house. We met Thursday after work at a pink brick building, and we signed....
and signed....
and signed.
Here's a pic of my handsome hubs. And I got Mary (the lady that making us sign all those papers) to take a pic of the both of us. I have NO pictures from when we originally bought our house. I know....I can't believe it either. I take pictures of everything from pots of chili to random crazy things I see as I go about my day, and yet...there are no pictures of us buying our house. We didn't even take a picture in front of the house with the 'sold' sign. (sigh)
So....there we are. Happy homeowners....2 years later.
(If you don't personally know my hubs, he can't take a normal picture. Absolutely impossible to get him to make a normal face in a pic)
Moving on to friday. Eliza had her 18-month check up. Here we are waiting for the Dr.

And here is E checking out everything in the room. We brought Barbie along which turned out to be pures genius. E wasn't too sure about having her eyes and ears looked into with that thingy that they use to do that, so....Dr. J looked into Barbie's ears first and then E was totally cool with it. (whew)
E also ended up having to get her flu shot, did I. So, the nurse gave me mine first so E could watch, and then she got hers. She still got upset when the needle went in, but was okay pretty much immediately after. All in all, it was a great visit. We go to Tuscaloosa Family Practice and Dr. Joseph is the BEST. I'm not just saying that either. She really is.

Now, onto random matters.
I went to Target Friday night and had to take a picture of these:

A huge display of tissue boxes that look like pieces of cake. There was chocolate cake, red velvet, cherry, lemon....

because...when you need to blow your nose, you'd like to think about dessert?

As many of you know...our living room has slowly been turning into a playroom. However, I still want it to be 'pretty' in there, so I make sure everything has a container to go into. E and O both have large baskets under the two end tables on either side of the sofa. O's has looked like this for some time now:

When we initially put the puzzles in there, all the boxes were in perfect shape and they stood up in a perfect line. No pieces got out and all stayed where it should. Over time, the boxes broke, other random toys got thrown in, and the bottom of the basket looked like this:

(oh the horror)

So...I picked up a bag of these at Target:

And decided we would do away with the boxes. I cut the sides off of the top and saved the front, you know...since you kind of need the picture to put the puzzle together.

Then...and here's the fun part. I put all the puzzles together. Since the pieces were all mixed together, it was the only way for me to get them all sorted out again.

Once all the pieces for each puzzle were together, I slid the box top into a bag along with the pieces, and voila!


There's still some random toys in there but that is A-okay.
Once I was done with all that organizing, I decided to treat myself with a lil somethin' somethin'.
I call this the banana-palooza.

It's vanilla pudding, bananas, nutella, and nilla wafers. (yum)
Got lots of crafting done today while MM napped. Pics coming soon!
Hope you're having a great weekend!

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