
Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas pancakes, pillows, and Pooh

I need to start by saying the following:
I've been up since 4:12 am.
One of our girls is going through a "I'm not really keen on sleeping in my bed anymore" phase,
and the other is (or has been for a while) in a "I'm going to scream bloody murder if you get more than 10 inches away from me" phase.
I love my girls,
but I also love sleep.
And doing things with 2 hands.
If there are typos, I apologize. I'm a bit brain-dead.
(braindead, brain dead....I don't know...)
I'm blogging before the sun comes up in an attempt to focus on something that will keep me from falling asleep which would allow my 19-month old free roam of the house.
She is currently be-bopping to the Wiggles and Elmo's World and all of the other much too lively/happy characters on PBS Sprout.
Thank you, God, for PBS Sprout.

Now....onto other news.
On Wednesday night, our church held its annual pancakes and pajamas party. O looks forward to this every year, and we even picked up a new pair of spiffy pjs at Target a few days ago just for the occasion. After eating pancakes, the kids all headed upstairs to the children's Sunday School area and watched The Crippled Lamb on the big screen. Such a fun night for them and for us parents since, ya know...we don't have to cook-

 Movie time!

these are out of order. poop.
back in the fellowship hall...
and in the kitchen...

Next pillows.
Just sharing pics today, but I'm planning to post a tutorial soon.
They were so easy-peezy that one probably isn't needed though.
Sorry these pics are so dark...

 I wanted to show you a close-up of the ruffles. I bought it on a roll at the hob lob for a buck fifty.
The white and green fabric I used for the front and back were remnants purchased at the hob lob, and I just used poly-fil to stuff it. I think I spent maybe 4 bucks on the entire thing, and I love that it's not just for Christmas. While there is red and green going on here, it's also just...ya know...pretty.

This one actually began its life as a Southern Living placemat I found at Wal-mart for a dolla and fifty cents. That's it! I ripped out about 2 inches of the seam, stuffed with poly-fil, and BAM.
Also...not Christmas specific, but just adds a nice little pop of color to my living room.

And lastly-
if you're local, there are TONS of great opportunities this weekend to see some great theatre.
O's class went to see Winnie the Pooh, A Christmas Tail yesterday and it's super cute.
If you have young children, they will love this show.

All of the familiar characters are there, plus tons of other hundred acre wood creatures.
Beautiful costumes, great choreography, lively music, and it's directed by my friend Sara-Margaret Cates.
We were even dressed alike yesterday. Directors are just cool like that...

The ACT is also doing a Christmas dinner theatre that ends tonight. We attended their last dinner theatre and loved it. It was very kid-friendly too- Oliver had a blast.
Visit for more info.
(sorry the pic is so bad- I stole this from your facebook page Joey!!)

And another option is Theatre Tuscaloosa's, It's a Wonderful Life, Radio Play going on down at the Bean-Brown Theatre. Have I mentioned lately how lucky we are to live in a place that offers so much fantastic theatre? That's just not the case everywhere.
Lucky and blessed, I tell you. Lucky and blessed.
Anyway, here are the deets on this show-

Now....go see some theatre with your family!
And wish me luck on staying awake today at school...

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