
Sunday, December 5, 2010

weekend recap

Happy Monday everyone! Hope your weekend was fantabulous! Ours definitely was, so.....there's a lot of pics in this weekend recap.

First up, Oliver wrote out his Christmas list Friday night. Eliza was excited about it too.

First up is an AT-AT Walker (Star Wars toy)
Lego Star Wars...

Did I mention E likes to climb?
She also wanted to sleep in her brother's bed. Love the look on O's face here.

She likes to wear her brother's shoes too...

Sweet MM in the bed.

silly boy...

Her reading spot

The longest eyelashes ever...

Pop came for a visit and to pick O up so he could spend the night. He, of course, had to read a few books before he left.

The ladies at my church have an ornament swap every year and it was Saturday morning, so...after school on Friday, O and I ran to Target to pick up some ornaments. I also went to Hob Lob that night with all 3 kiddos (because I'm a crazy person) since I hadn't looked there yet, and of course, I found more cute ones. I ended up taking the snowman and the pink one next to it. The rest are going on our tree. we are at the swap. (before the catfights.... just kidding. But not really)
Sorry Lisa....I couldn't resist this one with you "whipping your hair".

Can't remember what DeJauna is doing here. Maybe telling us about her ornament?

More friends.

Sometimes, just sometimes.... you don't have a box to wrap a gift (or an ornament in) and you have to improvise....
This one is from DeJuana-
Love Jamie's face here...
The ornament was cute- elephant head on one side, and booty on the other.

Someone is camera-ready and someone is not...
Melanie is telling us a story...

And look who wound up with the elephant in the tampon box...
(Our preacher's wife)
And here's everyone. Almost. This picture isn't perfect for 2 reasons....
1. Jennifer Carr isn't in it. We didn't remember to take a group shot until after she'd left. Even tried to flag her down outside.
2. It isn't centered. Too much space beside Kara's elbow.
I made a new Christmas-y headband that morning literally as Jamie, Kara and I were heading out the door from my house. I saw one on Whippycake's website like this and thought it was cute.

My parents bought a new tv and tv stand last week and gave us the entertainment center they weren't going to use anymore. score. Not only is it a gorgeous piece of furniture, but it also has storage at the bottom for toys.

Just had to show a close-up of what was on the tv at the time- Dolly Parton in Hard Candy Christmas.

The cabinet we'd been using in that room is now in the corner of our dining room, and since there's no longer a tv up top, it can hold my sewing machine and cricut machine when they're not in use. Ya know, ...since those things don't really belong on a dining room table anyway. Just pretend you don't see all that stuff on my table, mmmkay? Just focus on the pretty trees and ornaments...

Oliver's choir had their Christmas performance Sunday night. Here's my lovely fam before it started. I might not have mentioned to everyone that I was about to take a picture.

Here's the sweet kiddos...
And my sweet kiddo. Who only sang at the beginning when it was time for his solo. Oy.

Here he is about to sing, "No room.....No room".
Another pic of the kiddos and Bart Tingle's head...

Stable animals...
Sweet angels...

O really got into it when they sang, Come on, ring those bells...
and here's where MM was hanging out during the service. With Mrs. Kay. Some of the older kids read scriptures during the service, but they'll be singing with the adult choir next week too. If you're local, please join us at Alberta Baptist at 6:00 Sunday night for some beautiful music.

I also had a lovely evening with some friends and a very successful shopping trip to Sams and TJMaxx and somehow took no pics. Boo.
And last, but certainly not least, this is what the hubs did while I was having fun at the ornament swap.
He was having a little fun of his own....
It's already caused a bit of a traffic jam.

HEY hi, everybody!
Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Literally listening to Dolly Parton's Hard Candy Christmas as I scrolled through the part that said you were watching it on TV.... WEIRD!

    Sorry I missed the group picture :) I was on the phone so I had no idea anyone tried to flag me down
