
Friday, February 25, 2011

I'm such a Monica...

I plan and plan and plan for parties and such,
and then forget just how long it takes to actually DO what I plan to do.
(anyone else with me on this??)
And anyone else love that episode of Friends where Monica plans all the food for the wedding reception but not enough time to actually make it?
She ends up putting everyone to work, yelling "Let's move people!"

I'm currently looking at my dining room table (or the piles of stuff on it) and wondering how long it would take me to clear it off so that I can get the food table set up for tomorrow.

I also have a half-done Death Star pinata hanging up outside (thank you God for the sunny day) just waiting for one more coat of paper (or is it papier?) mache and then a coat of black spray paint. This is what our kitchen looked like last night:

(so glad that sucker hardened overnight. I was a bit skeptical since it was dripping wet when we went to bed. OY...)

I'll have a full update tomorrow after we officially celebrate O's 6th birthday. So excited to have friends his age coming! (We've only done family parties in the past)

The hubs is off today and is currently at Sams picking up a trampoline for the kiddos- don't tell O if you see him, mmkay??

Now...let's see how quickly I can
1) clear off the table
2)stuff the remaining goodies into the treat bags
3)make a food run
4)chop the swimming noodles into thirds and wrap the 'handles' in silver duct tape to make light sabers
5) cut out letters for signs for activity stations
6) feed MM
7) spray paint Death Star
8) make yellow tissue poms (I know this isn't boyish, but I like them at parties. Can't help it)
9) make small signs to stick in food bowls with clever Star Wars titles
10) clean up paper mache mess in the kitchen (again...OY)
(wish me luck...)



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