
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

31 in 31 before 31

that's a lot of 31's.
I was inspired to make a list like this after seeing Nicole's 30 before 30, (and also seeing several others who did similar lists) and since I was already 30, I figured 31 could work just as well.

That's 31 things
in 31 days
before I'm 31
(on March 31)

Because I find that setting realistic goals within a certain time period helps me accomplish more. I'm not doing this to try and kill myself- just setting goals here...

1- read my bible everyday
I've been trying so hard to stick to the 'read-through-the-bible-in-a-year' schedule that my church family is doing. I've gotten behind a few times and had to catch up. My goal is to not get behind.
2 - 6- send out 5 pieces of happy mail
who doesn't love happy mail?
7-11-  finish 5 craft projects
I already have this many started, so finishing needs to take place.
12-15-  cook at least 4 meals from scratch from my recipe folder
This is a big one for me. I don't cook, internet. It's in my bio.
16- finish my 2010 Project Life album
Only need to print pics from Nov & Dec. So close to being done.
17-18 read 2 books
since I've recently purchased about 12 I've been wanting to read...
19- make a gallery wall above my desk
already have everything framed, just need to decide how I want it to look...
20- see The King's Speech
It won lots of Oscars.
I want to see it.
Simple as that.
21-23- have at least 3 date nights with the hubs this month
This could be the hardest to accomplish, seeing as how our work schedules are rarely the same and we have those 3 kiddos.
24- get back into my wedding dress
No idea how close I am to this, BUT, I can wear a pair of my pre-baby pants.
That's got to mean I'm close.
And 9 months on, 9 months off, right? MM was 9 mos yesterday.
25- eat a Gigi's cupcake
I'd like to thank the hubs for helping me check this one off. When I made this list, I'd been to Gigi's twice and still hadn't eaten one of their cupcakes.
The hubs brought me one at work last week, and Ashley was right-
"Nothing says love like buttercream"
26- have the Design Girl makeover my blog
I'd love a professionally designed header and I love Danielle's work.
27- clean out O's closet
There's still 2T stuff in there.
He's 6 now.
Nuff said.
28- consign the clothes still sitting in bags in our bedroom
Remember this post?
Those bags are still sitting in the floor of our master bedroom.
oh the shame...
29- open an etsy shop
ok, I take it back-
this one may be the hardest, but bygollymissmolly I've been talking about it long enough. I need to just do it already.
30- make some form of progress in kitchen reno
We started,
and then stopped.
31- since I was originally inspired by Nicole's list, I'm stealing her #21
because I'm a little jealous of my hubs and his fab tats.
and it's decide weather or not to get one.
NOT get one.
just decide.

Those things are completely doable.
I'm going to add this as a tab under my header so that I can keep up with it (and also so you can see my progress as I check things off)

Anything you're hoping to accomplish this month?

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