
Thursday, March 10, 2011

I need to lighten up...

my decor.

I still love you, black, but I no longer intend to paint everything I can get my hands on in your dark tones.

No more.

I'm going light, bright, and white baby.
Not all at once,
but subtly.

Remember this post?

The sofa's first.
It's getting a beautiful new slipcover that can be washed at the drop of a hat, or the drop of a juice-box-poptart-jelly-finger-swipe-orange-cheeto-hands.
and yes, the sewing machine is back from the shop and ready to get back to work-

Pillows are next. I've found an awesome source for beautiful AFFORDABLE pillows on etsy- DIY pillows- and these are my pics:

love these.
would also love to add some yellow to the mix-

just depends on what I find.

Also- in '31 by 31' news- I've got 2 happy mail packages ready to send out (#'s 2-3) and have purchased fabric to finish a craft/decorating project (# 7). The mood board I'm making to hang above my desk is gonna have a little quatrefoil goin on-

the fabric I purchased is the opposite of the tray-
white backgound, black pattern.

Don't you love quatrefoil?

 also started picking out a few recipes I intend to tackle from this book-
(#'s 12-15)

I can do this, I can do this, I can do this....
deep breaths...

that's the news that is the news.
Anything new you're tackling today?
And does cooking give anyone else hives?
What about cheetos fingerprints on your sofa?
(we should have done the slipcover thing long LONG ago. no joke)

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