
Thursday, March 31, 2011

so blessed...

to have so much to be thankful for today.

-another year younger

-a husband who got off work at 5 a.m. and came straight home to cook me some crepes.
did you hear that?

- 3 beautiful, healthy children

- a phone that hasn't stopped buzzing today because I have so many friends/family sending birthday texts and posting on my fb wall.
so blessed to have such wonderful friends.

- passing my son in the hallway at school and getting the sweetest hug from him. Love getting to teach at his school.

- even though I'll be spending this entire day at work (teaching all day/ rehearsing tonight) at least I'm doing what I love!

- and most importantly, I'm blessed to have the love of my Saviour.
Love that I don't deserve.
Love that is unconditional.

My heart swells...
I am blessed.
So blessed.

And no,
didn't finish everything on my list,
I'm going to keep working on it and even have plans to make another.
32 by 32?

What are you thankful for today?

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