
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

hello my name is Mary Kathryn and I like fabric, not tornadoes

*tornadoes have already wreaked havoc, once again, in Tuscaloosa today and there are more predicted for this afternoon.
To get my mind off of the crazy weather, I'm going to post about something totally unrelated to storms.

fabric is safe.
fabric won't hurt you, unless of course it's ugly and fashioned into some sort of atrocity on someone's body. Then, I suppose, it could blind you, but you can't walk around with your eyes closed.

moving on...

see that honkin huge bolster pillow on the dining room table next to the Indiana Jones hat and the necklace holder?

I'll zoom in for ya so that you can see the craziness that is our dining room at the moment. This is what happens when you're a craft addict and you have no craft room.

it's plaid.
Ralph Lauren.
Very classic, but alas-
doesn't coordinate with a single item in my home.

So why did I buy it?
Because I'm going to cover it is something yummy-

this box of lovliness arrived yesterday from
I'm on a first-name basis with this site now.
Pure eye candy at great prices, and just so my hubs doesn't use this as another excuse to call me a hoarder, I totally have plans for it all.
pinky promise.

Our new bedroom scheme needs a splash of brightness, so that ultra-classic plaid RL bolster is about to become a yummy pumpkin orange. It's ultra-suede, by the way, and feels so good I want to drape it all over my body.
hey- there's an idea! If there's enough left, I can make a top,
 or a skirt,
or some gloves.
or not.

If you live anywhere near the bad weather that's coming or has already come today- I'm praying that you and yours stay safe.

I'm off to watch a little more Spann and play with some fabric...

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