
Monday, April 11, 2011

weekend recap

hello all!
Hope you had a wonderful weekend!
I actually took very few pictures, which is probably a good thing since the girls both had snot dripping down their faces and O woke up at 7 Sunday morning vomiting in bed. Was that too graphic?
I was covered in pretty much every bodily fluid yesterday with the puking, and the snot, and oh yeah-
did I mention the babe had a touch of diarrhea?
because she did.
and she'd peed through her diaper during the night so when I picked her up yesterday morning to love on her...
pee on my pj's.

But hey,
it happens.

moving on to some happier times from the weekend-

My parents took us out Friday night for my birthday.
We ate at Iguana Grill which is one of my faves and YUM-O, it was good.
MM really dug the decor too-
lots and lots of lanterns hanging all over the ceiling-

Saturday morning was the pancake breakfast for Cinderella. As some of you know, I'm currently directing the show for a children's theatre company in my town and before each show opens, we usually have a breakfast- it's a great way to raise some money that goes towards the show's budget,
 who wouldn't want to eat pancakes with Cinderella and her entourage? I loved seeing the little girls coming to eat in their Cinderella dresses! So precious!

aren't those costumes fab?

by the way-
if you're local, the show opens Friday night for the public and will run through Sunday. Show times are 7:00 pm Friday and Saturday night, and 2:00 pm on Saturday and Sunday. If you have young children, or older children, or if your children have children, or if you KNOW any children- you won't want to miss it! You can purchase tickets online HERE.

I needed to get out of the vomit house last night so MM and I took a little trip to Wal-mart. I'm not usually a Wal-mart gal and to be quite honest I felt like I was straight up cheating on Target, but I'd heard good things about their Better Homes and Garden line of home decor items, so we went.
Just look at the lovely sunset we saw on the way-

There was also some sort of carnival set up in the parking lot of what used to be a Dillard's department store. I'm sure those rides that are packed up and moved around a lot are 100% safe.

BHG did not disappoint. Just look at these lovelies...

Barbie totally had this one in cardboard in her very first dream house. Anyone else remember that? Circa 1961?

Since I'm still working on our Master Bedroom re-do, I needed some pillows in my accent color to go with the new bed linens. Wal-mart sells 1 and 2 yard packs of fabric in several differnt patterns/colors. I totally did not know this.
Now I do.
Two yards of pumpkin orange came home with us.

MM was doing a few ankle exercises while we looked at fabric.

while it's not an actual craft project,
I did work on something this weekend-

whatcha think?
Are they blingy enough?

And last, but certainly not least,
I picked this up to read because you can bet your sweet bippy I'll be going to see the movie.

10 points to the person who can tell me what show "bet your sweet bippy" comes from.
And was it 'bippy'?
I guess I'd better be quoting it right if 10 points is up for grabs.

have any of you read this? If so,
what did you think?
I'd love to hear...

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