
Friday, August 26, 2011


Happy Friday friends!
I unplugged yesterday and stayed completely offline, except for the occassional tweet. Didn't even check e-mail. While it's not something I do often, it was nice to spend a day completely with my family.
Do you ever spend a day 'unplugged'?

Today I'm linking up with Jeanett again over at Life Rearranged for
Insta- Friday.
Love me some Instagram.

My son is a reader.
He reads all.the.time. and I love it.
Totally loving the fact that he can read me (and his seesters) a bedtime story.

MM loves books too, but with her limited vocabuloary it's a bit tough to make it through an entire book...

It's HOT here folks.
Anyone else as ready for Fall as I am?

Speaking of Fall, just looky what was in my mailbox a couple days ago.
LOVE the inspiration this catalog provides.

Also love me some babes straight from the bath.

You know what else I love about a bath?
Washing dishes.
Wait, I don't.
Ready to NOT have to wash dishes in the bathtub.
Thank you hubs, for doing this yesterday.

Sometimes the wee one wakes up super early, and sometimes the daddy takes her for a stroll outside so as not to wake the other wee ones in the house.
Thanks again, daddy.

Guess what we've owned for the past 6 years and never used?
A Mickey Mouse waffle maker.
Pulled it out yesterday (and dusted it off) and man were they yummy.

My children are studious.
Okay, so they're just playing games, but still...

E scored some new shoes last night courtesy of Mal Mal.
After Nicole blogged about them HERE, I was in love.
Aren't they fantastic?

This little girl thought they were SO fantastic she didn't want to take them off last night. She's also reading my new Better Homes and Gardens.
Again, she's studious.

for a BIG announcement-
Just looky what was installed on Wednesday!
I'll have full body shots next week in my kitchen post, but lemme tell ya,
they are gawgeousss!

Happy Friday friends!!!

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