
Thursday, September 8, 2011


Hello friends!
It's time for another round of Insta-Friday-
linking once again with Jeanett at Life Rearranged.
life rearranged
Here's a glimpse of our recent happenings via instagram-

Impromptu saber fight in the kitchen last Friday after school.
This has now entered my 'top 10 favorite pics of the kiddos' list,
and rightfully so.

Finding MM sitting in the sun like this totally reminded me of our cat.
He used to LOVE sitting in the sun coming in through the doors + windows.
It also looks like firewords are coming out of her head.
No worries though, 'tis just the plant outside.

If you read THIS post, then you know full well the significance of this photo.

I let Oliver go wild taking pics on my phone over the weekend and have enjoyed scrolling through them to see what he deemed worthy of capturing-
one of the several shots he took was this one of his seesters toys,

and this one,
which is clearly something he holds dear, even at a young age.
The beloved remote.

Found this ad for shoes in a magazine a few days ago.
How fab would this be framed in my classroom?

The hubs picked up Japanese food for us Sunday night.
I told him not to order any sushi with my meal, but he did anyway.
Because he knows I love it so.
And that, my friends, is just one of the many reasons why I loves my hubs.

This is what I found in my cookie.
Does anyone else out there keep all of your fortune cookie fortunes, or am I the only person that does that?

Since the latest tropical storm dumped a gazillion inches on us,
MM and I decided that if we were going to be cooped up, we might as well be cooped up inside Target. While the rain pounded the roof, we strolled the aisles full of beautiful eye candy. I found this lil mummy pumpkin in the pages of a Fall/Halloween magazine.
(now why didn't I think of that?)

Took MM to the Dr this week for her 15-month check up.
Love the expression I caught on her face as we waited for the nurses to come in with the shots...

We found out at this visit that it would be our LAST visit with our Dr.
Some sad and unexpected circumstances have necessitated the closing of the practice and we are heartbroken. Our Dr. is the ONLY Dr. our kiddos have ever seen. She delivered all 3 of them.
I do not want to find a new Dr.

The hubs + a slice of cheese= 2 little girls who stick like glue to his side and consequently go through 2 more slices of cheese
(Eliza stopped eating only briefly to swing the saber)

I simply cannot wait to decorate for Halloween.
Not only do I have brand new goodies that I purchased at the after-Halloween clearance sale at Target last year, but I also have a custom made Halloween drawing, courtesy of my son.

And yesterday,
in the floor of the kitchen,
the girls had a little playtime on daddy.
Love Love Love having him home this week during daylight hours.

Hope you have a magnificent weekend!

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