
Monday, October 10, 2011

University of Alabama's Homecoming Parade

Happy Monday everyone!
I hope you all had a fantastic weekend!
I wanted to share the highlight of ours via a few pics I took at the University's homecoming parade on Saturday. And when I say "few", I really mean hundreds. Don't worry though, not posting them all, just a few.
No, really.
Only my faves.
We loaded up the kiddos and made the short drive to campus, then a medium-sized walk to a prime parade-watching spot which had been saved for us by my seester and her beau who are both employees on campus, and quite important. My seester was even a judge of the parade floats this year and got to sit at a table, all uppity-style, and score the floats on creativity, how well they incorporated the theme, and so on and so forth.
Did anyone else read that last part and think of Schwarzenegger?
Just me then?
Moving on... 

Since what you wear to all University of Alabama festivities is just as important as actually winning the football game, I was dead set on my girlies being dressed in head-to-toe UA cuteness,
at 8:30 am, I started working on a couple of houndstooth dresses and by
11:30 am, my two little girlies were wearing them. And by the by, it didn't take me the full 3 hours to make them- I had to stop several times to get those girlies out of bed, change diapers, feed them, refill sippies and whatnot. Probably could've finished them in under 2 hours with no stops. Just sayin'.

Here's my cuties in their dresses, along with a few pics of my boys (who wore matching red polos + khaki shorts) and some favorite parade pics. I've also included a few of my favorite Roll Tide ensembles at the end of this post for your viewing pleasure.
I'm tellin' ya, folks-
people here don't mess around with the game-day attire.
People here are hardcore.
Thou shalt wear crimson + houndstooth somewhere on thyself.
It's etched in stone somewhere.
I'm sure of it.

Two-seater radio flyers are perfect for pulling two babes across campus.
Plus, it's red.
 Totally covered in crimson and therefore totally worthy of being present on gameday.

Thanks again to Mal-Mal and Chad for saving a parade spot for us with this crimson golf cart and for the use of your parking decal which kept us from having to park eleventy-billion miles away.
Ever tried parking on campus?
Just like game-day attire, parking on campus is no laughing matter.
There should be classes offered on the subject:
Parking on campus 101.
Sorry. Enough about the parking,
back to the pictures.

Houndstooth attire on babe?
Houndstooth flower pin which allows me to meet the houndstooth or crimson requirement?
(Houndstooth flower pins soon to be offered in my shop, FYI)

Oliver waiting for the parade to start on the judges stand

Our friend, Wade, was one of the Grand Marshals of the parade.

Big AL!

Wonder how many times they've said "Roll Tide"?

My friend, Courtney, who's a Crimsonette.
Aren't they purty?

The Million Dollar Band

Gymnastics team

Softball team

E loved all the girls with 'crowns'.

Guy on stilts wearing head to toe crimson holding a pom pom?
He also gets bonus points for the helmet, although I'm sure that's probably for safety reasons.

O watched the parade with a couple of buddies from school.
How cool is it that out of the eleventy-billion people camped out watching the parade, we landed next to two families whose kiddos go to school with O. One of them is even in O's class, and there are 13 first grade classes at our school.
Small world.

Automobiles covered in head to toe houndstooth?

Love this shot of one of my cuties + my seester's cutie.
And good golly, miss molly, what a lovely dress she's wearing.

CHOM's float was the bomb-diggity in my book with Saban's hat + the Bear's hat. Pure awesomesauce.

A few of the sorority gals stopped to high-five the kiddos.

And since I promised I wouldn't post all 205 pics that I took, here's a few more of the floats as I wrap this up...

And that, my friends, was the homecoming parade in a nutshell. I did, in fact, take a picture of pretty much everything that made its way down the street in front of us, but I didn't want to make this post so long that you fell asleep before making it to the end. You know what? If you've made it this far already, go ahead and give yourself a pat on the back. You deserve it.

Once the parade was over, I took a few more pics of the houndstooth dresses-
before loading them back into the crimson-ish wagon,

and making the trek across campus to our car.
This trek, my friends, is where I came across the first ensemble I'd like to share with you today. What I'm about to show you would, no doubt, earn me points in Rachel's Alabama Gameday Scavenger Hunt-

Exhibit A:
tiny white A's embroidered all over a man's backside.
Totally acceptible on gameday.

Exhibit B:
A Roll Tide Pimp, complete with hat and cane.
Again, this is completely and totally acceptible gameday attire.
Nothing crazy about this at ALL.

and last, but certainly not least,
Exhibit C:
crimson + white houndstooth pants on a male older than the age of 2.
Completely normal and even revered in these parts.
Remember- the stone says 'Cover thyself in crimson + white or houndstooth'.
He's got ALL of those bases covered.
Bonus points like crazy for this one, folks.
And Ashley, thanks for giving me permission to post this pic of your bro.
Here's hoping he truly does find this amusing and not the opposite, which would be wanting to sue me.

p.s.- for more Crimson + houndstooth goodness, here's my pics of last years parade festivities

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