
Friday, December 2, 2011

Dececmber Daily album and a basket of books

Happy Friday friends!
Today I wanted to share pics of my December Daily album for 2011 and tell you about a little activity I'm planning to do with the kiddos throughout the month.

First off-
if you've never heard of a December Daily, it's a project created by Ali Edwards to record and store all of the things your family will do during the month of December. Yes, it is a sort of scrapbook, but if you're not really into that sort of thing don't let that word scare you. It really can be as simple as you'd like it to be. Got a 3-ring binder and some page protectors? That works. Got a photo album you could slide photos and journaling into? That works too. Anything that you could add pictures + journaling to could serve as a December Daily. (To see pics of my album from last year, go HERE)

For this year's album, I went with a 7 x 12 clear acrylic album that I've had for a few years now and never used.(It came with the 'Just for Fun' Kit of the Month from Creating Keepsakes, available HERE) I didn't buy a thing to go inside it but pulled papers/stickers/rub-ons/ribbons from my stash, plopped it all on the floor in front of the Andy Griffith show, and an hour later- I had an album.

I also grabbed the bag of leftover Christmas papers/cards/stickers from last year's album. So glad I kept it all together. Made this year's album come together super fast.

Here's my album cover, along with the interior pages. No rhyme or reason to my process- I just made sure to include a page for each day of the month with space to journal and add photos.
That's it. 

The cover has the year + an 'M' for our last name

The envelope is of the regular legal-sized variety that will hold Oliver's wish list for this year. We did this on the first day of December last year as well and I LOVE being able to not only look back and see what he was hoping for but also seeing the progression in his handwriting. The girls lists will be included as soon as they stop eating crayons and can write.

So glad I bought this piece of scrapbook paper at hob lob a few years ago and never used it.

I'm sure most of you have seen this idea, and perhaps you already do this with your own family, but I'm attempting it for the first time.
The wrap-up-all-your-Christmas-books-and-let-the-kids-open-one-each-night-of-December-and-read-it-together thing

But, since I'm reaslistic and know that we won't make it to bed on time every night or we may actually be doing some other Christmas related activity before bedtime, I didn't wrap 25 books.
And plus, we don't own 25 Christmas books.
We had 13.
And I bought one more.
That makes 14.
I'm so good at math.
Here's what we'll be reading this month-

Now all that's left to do is wrap these babies up and let the unwrapping each night commence.

So tell me-
have you done this before?
Do your kids love getting to open things before Christmas?
And do you keep a December Daily album?

Do tell.

I've linked this post to:


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