
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

crazy busy

Happy Wednesday to you friends!
I've been a little MIA as of late simply because my crazy busy schedule of teaching, running a small etsy shop, hosting 3 parties at my home in the past 4 weeks, and being a momma to 3 and wife to one AND rarely getting more than 5 hours of sleep per night have caught up with me.
As in, the massive amounts of coffee I drank yesterday morning had no effect whatsoever and at 12:00 pm, I found myself unable to keep my eyes open.
No joke.

Good thing yesterday was a field trip day for Oliver, and a half-day field trip at that. We ate at IHOP yesterday morning and then saw the new Lorax movie before the kids loaded the buses and headed back to school in time for lunch. Since I had a sub, I headed home for some lunch + playtime with the girls and hubs and then thankfully, was able to grab a short nap while the girls slept and hubs went to school to get O.
Still feeling a bit groggy at the moment, but wanted to post a few pics from the trunk show/open house and to thank those of you who came! I had such a great time and enjoyed seeing all of you so much! I'm still working on a few custom orders from the party and bought more supplies today to make pieces that specifically coordinate with the Matilda Jane clothing and anything already hanging in your closet as well. Since I rarely remember to take pictures during parties, here are a few taken before the whole shebang even started-

Aren't those clothes yummy?

Since Spring Break is next week for us, I plan to carve out some time to photograph the new pieces in my shop so that I can add them online. In the meantime, I'm hoping to start catching up on some much needed rest, which for me would require going to bed before 1:00 am.

Hope you have a fabulous day!


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