
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Follow the yellow brick road

I'd like to once again thank the creators of Picmonkey for giving us an editing site that is so incredibly easy to use and reminiscent of its former counterpart which is now deceased and rhymed with Schmicnic.

Because of Picmonkey, I'm able to take this picture:

and turn it into this picture:

which is clearly more authentic since we all know the bricks were really yellow. Never mind that a few of our sidewalk bricks are especially dingy and look a little black. Just ignore those.

I took this pic of my girl on her birthday and it totally defines what she's into at the moment. I need to blow this up poster-size and frame it immediately.

Like, right now.

But this post isn't really about Picmonkey, although it is complete and total awesomesauce. It's about the fact that I am in party.planning.mode. In the party 'zone', if you will. I've made lists of things to make, lists of things to buy, lists of recipes to find, lists of things to sew. Hello, my name is Mary Kathryn and I'm a list maker. I am so stinkin excited about putting this party together that it's like having a Christmas in May. That's right. If you want to give me a present, just ask me to throw a themed party. Dina and I would totally be BFF's if we knew each other. Totally.

If you follow me on Pinterest, you've probably noticed that I've been pinning
Oz-ness like crazy. You can check out my party board HERE, but I wanted to share a few of my favorite ideas that I'm planning to use for the girls' party. And yes, that's plural because we'll be celebrating both our girlies at this party since they are both major Wizard of Oz fans at the moment, and they also happen to have birthdays 13 days apart.

I love the party favor baskets that Kate found at Michael's:

(from my kids eat off the floor)

Love the yellow bulletin board paper turned yellow brick road for this party:

(from catch my party)

Love these apple tree centerpieces I found on Kara's party ideas:

Love these Louboutin's:

Oh wait, how'd those get in there?

Back to the parties...

The absolute most spare-no-dime-on-the-party-and-send-all-the-guests-home-with-a-truckload-of-stuff would have to be this one:

Not only is it beautifully styled, but each of the party guests went home with a Dorothy dress, a pair of ruby slippers, a stuffed lion, tinman, scarecrow, and Dorothy, a stuffed Toto in a basket, and, hmmmm... I've probably left something out. You'll just have to see it for yourself, and know this: while we won't be sending everyone home with a duffle bag full of Oz swag, the bar has been set very very high and I'm going to do my best as a mother and a human to at least reach some level of amazingness akin to this party. As God as my witness....

And good gravy please tell me you noticed the party guests plates were each on a piece of tree trunk. Sheesh.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some party prep to attend to. And please, for the love, someone buy me those shoes cause I needs em.

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