
Thursday, July 12, 2012

playing catch-up

Happy Thursday, friends! I've got some randomness for ya today...

1. Archer Farms makes some of the best pizzas I've ever had. Last night, we had these for supper:

The kiddos fave is the one on the right- I think they'd eat it all day, every day if I'd let them. Also worth noting: my 3-year old ate 2 tomatoes yesterday. One cut into slices and another sliced inside sandwiches. Also worth noting- she calls them potatoes.

2. The hubs and I went to see The Amazing Spiderman last week. It was totally amazing and thrilling and more words like that. He left the theatre by scaling down the wall, throwing webs along the way. Are we surprised?

3. My friends, Kara and Ethan, made it home from China last week with their son Joel. Such a happy happy day for their family. Several members of our church family met them at the airport to welcome them home, and while I have more photos to share from this day, this is a pic I snapped on my phone of K and her two sons.

4. Oliver's 6 weeks of swim lessons came to an end last Friday, and on Thursday night we attended a special 'swim recognition/family night' where the swimmers got to show off their mad swimming skillz for their friends and family. A blue ribbon is also involved, and my son and his enormous personality decided it would only be appropriate to take a bow before receiving his ribbon...

Love this next shot, even though it's a phone pic and not completely in focus. I mean, just look at that face.

5. This is what happens when Daddy comes home from work.
 I call this shot,"clingy on Daddy".

6. Found these cute owls in the 2.50 bins at Target on Monday. Grabbed a white one, went back on Tuesday and they were gone. Could be the resemblance to the West Elm owls and the crazy low price point.

7. Sometimes I eat super healthy. Like having just a banana for breakfast. Covered in whip cream. And white chocolate chips. And animal crackers/crumbs.

8. My girls had a play date this week with some friends from church and E begged to hold the babe of the group. Sweet Annie Ruth was passed from lap to lap and tolerated it so incredibly well. Sweet girls...

9. I found O making me a glass of ice water a couple days ago. I know that as a parent, I probably should've told him not to be climbing like this- what with it not being safe and all- but good golly at the sweetness of it. Love my boy. 

10. My friend and I decided it would be totally fun to start a book club.  I know lots of other folks who do this and have great fun and discuss books and eat cheeses and whatnot, so we thought, why not us too? Most books nowadays come with study guides/discussion questions in the back anyway. Score. We went to Sams yesterday, read the backs of about 30 books, and picked this one as the first. I'll post each of the books on my blog so feel free to join in if you'd like! 

11. The tattoo parlor my hubs uses has a new apprentice who needs practice & additions to his portfolio, SO they were offering 10 free tats to the first 10 to respond to a facebook post and schedule an appointment.  Hubs snagged the 10th spot. The only hitch was having to choose a tattoo from a specific set, so...
welcome to hubs new tat:

the squirrel

he asked for red eyes so it would match one we have in our house. Don't ask...

12. I saw this on facebook recently and as a Toy Story lover, I thought it was worth sharing:

Evidently, Sid the bully became Sid the garbage man.
Anyone else see this?

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