here's me and baby girl at Target last night buying a butt-load of groceries. This was my first monday night off in a bazillion years.... so of course i had to go to my favorite place. (Also we were out of bread, peanut butter, lunch snacks, and FOOD) While the show was going on, I literally bought only what we HAD to have for school lunches, night-time bottles, etc. We are now completely and totally restocked. (whew)
2. My shoes died today. And no I don't mean broke. When you say, broke, there's usually a chance that said object can be fixed. My shoes died. They are, in fact, in our kitchen trash can as I type this. I can't be too upset, however, since I have owned them since college and had really neglected them as of late. I mean, let's face it- you can't (or shouldn't) wear platforms when you're pregnant, so they really haven't been stepping out a lot lately. In fact, the most action they've seen as of late is being carried room to room by a 16-month old. (Eliza took a liking to them, and really....who can blame her?) So....
"Good-bye 11-year old BCBG shoes from TJMaxx. You will be missed"
( here's a closer shot of the hot mess they became while I was at work today. that's masking tape you see holding that heel together. There are literally pieces of them all over my classroom floor ) sniffle....
3. I grew my nails out for Velma and will be saying adios to them tonight. I broke one during the run of the show, and another last night. Ah well....they were pretty while they lasted, but they ain't ME. (totally Velma though)
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