
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

4 things....

1. Hairspray closed. I honestly had a fabulous time and already miss all of those involved. I can't put into words what it was like to be on stage again. I am TRULY blessed that my husband and my children's grandmothers were willing to help out and feed, bathe, and put to bed my babies so that I could do this. This is me as Velma with Alisha (Tracy). I also credit this show with helping me shed about 20 more pounds of post-pregnancy weight. I am currently wearing a pair of jeans that are some of my favorites from BEFORE I had the girls. That's right folks, PRE-pregnancy jeans. Alisha's fabulous choreography in the show literally made the weight drop off. (hoo-RAH)

here's me and baby girl at Target last night buying a butt-load of groceries. This was my first monday night off in a bazillion years.... so of course i had to go to my favorite place. (Also we were out of bread, peanut butter, lunch snacks, and FOOD) While the show was going on, I literally bought only what we HAD to have for school lunches, night-time bottles, etc. We are now completely and totally restocked. (whew)

2. My shoes died today. And no I don't mean broke. When you say, broke, there's usually a chance that said object can be fixed. My shoes died. They are, in fact, in our kitchen trash can as I type this. I can't be too upset, however, since I have owned them since college and had really neglected them as of late. I mean, let's face it- you can't (or shouldn't) wear platforms when you're pregnant, so they really haven't been stepping out a lot lately. In fact, the most action they've seen as of late is being carried room to room by a 16-month old. (Eliza took a liking to them, and really....who can blame her?) So....

"Good-bye 11-year old BCBG shoes from TJMaxx. You will be missed"

( here's a closer shot of the hot mess they became while I was at work today. that's masking tape you see holding that heel together. There are literally pieces of them all over my classroom floor ) sniffle....

3. I grew my nails out for Velma and will be saying adios to them tonight. I broke one during the run of the show, and another last night. Ah well....they were pretty while they lasted, but they ain't ME. (totally Velma though)

4. It's taco night.....
which also means the house will be full of boys. In fact, when Clay told Oliver we'd be eating tacos tonight, he immediately said, "who's coming over?" hahahaha
(any girls want to come play with me?)

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