
Monday, October 18, 2010

weekend recap

What a crazy-busy weekend for our town. There was SO much going on Saturday that I wanted to take the kids to, but we chose the UA Homecoming parade. What a gorgeous day for it too- absolutely beautiful. Here's mom with Mary Martin- And here's me with my kiddos. Eliza wanted to be sure her boot made it in the picture...

watching the parade...

Tyrone Prothro-
The beautiful Meeks sisters-cheerleaders. (as if you couldn't tell)

the band. (again, I'm sure you knew that...)

Oliver's profile with a really big elephant-

a sparkly float-
Bentley supporters-

a cool truck-
Clay and I actually got to go to the game Saturday night. Here's a fab pic of us taken with my freakishly long arm. See that haze at the top of the pic? Those are clouds. That's how high up we were.
(I would like to thank my sis for the tix though. It was a nice workout for the both of us ;o)

I got started on the closet-clean-out-a-palooza Sunday afternoon. I didn't take a true 'before' shot of this one, but good gravy does it look better now.

The chaos and mess during the process...

Filled up 5 of these large bags with 'too small' or 'haven't worn this since college' clothes, PLUS about 75+ pieces on hangers.
Tried to upload the video I took of this, but alas....It wouldn't work. After eating her dinner Sunday night, Eliza crawled under the table and immediately pooped. Now, I know this is not an unusual talent, however, her complete and total denial of it was hilarious. She is definitely in her 'NO' phase and very politely responded with a 'no no' each time we asked her is she had, in fact, pooped her pants. There's just nothing like eating your dinner, then being overwhelmed with the stink of defication.

Just had to share some pics of my Kindergarten classes today. We started learning about Percussion instruments and they were rockin it!

Even though I hate having to wake up early, I really do have an awesome job. So thankful that O is now at school with me and when my day is done, I get to head home to my kiddies.
God is good.

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