
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Target love

I was a terrible picture taker today. No WIWW post. (what i wore wednesday) The hubs is sick. Maybe his sickness has gotten me out of sorts as well. Ah well..... onto the awesomeness that is...


One of my 'happy' places. Do you have a happy place? I could roam around in Target for hours (and often do) and never tire of the seemingly endless aisles of inspiration. Tonight though, I was on a mission. Cold meds for the hubs, poptarts and treat bags for O, and of course I had to look at these.... I mean, they're 75% off. Who wouldn't want a costume that's practically free? I bought 4 fab costumes for my kiddos that will be Christmas gifts and quite possibly be on their little bodies come next Halloween. Didn't take pics of them though. See what I mean? I was out of sorts today. They'll just be a surprise....

Also had to take a look at all that Halloween decor that they're almost PAYING you to take out of the store. See those fab black and white pillows to the right of the pic? I scored one of those for $3. And they're black and white striped on the opposite side. That's right. Pretty fab.
I did happen to take a pic of one of the cutest costumes I saw. One of the blogs I read had pics of a little cutie dressed in this....
too bad it wouldn't work for any of my crew.

Came across these eric carle party plates/napkins tonight. See what I mean about Target? Pure goodness on every aisle. How cool would a Very Hungry Caterpillar birthday party be? The party food could be the stuff he eats through in the book. (note to self: keep in mind for MM's 1st b'day party)

For VIP week (see my previous post for more info on this) Oliver gets to take one of his favorite story books for Mrs. Williams to read tomorrow and on Friday, gets to take a treat to his classmates. Talk about a score- I raided the leftover Halloween goodies and found some jars of bubbles (4 cents a piece) and some playdough (10 cents a piece). Throw in a pack of Toy Story 3 gummies (15 cents a piece) and we've got treat bags for an entire class that came out at 29 cents a pop. Not too shabby, my friends. Not too shabby.

MM has just fallen asleep beside me and my contacts are stuck to my eyeballs. I think it's bedtime. Here's hoping the hubs is feeling better in the morning.

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