
Monday, December 6, 2010

Nativity Parade...

I'm linking this post up over at Crap I've Made's blog, so be sure to check out the Nativity Parade going on over there today.

First off, can I just say that I heart Nativities? Big time? I'm also a huge Willow Tree fan, so when I saw this Nativity in the Cracker Barrel oh so many years ago, I wanted it. Bad. I have every single piece to this particular set- the shepherds, wise men, camel, donkey, sheep, etc, BUT, for some reason this year I decided to keep it simple on the mantle. After all, it's about Jesus. Not the donkey or the shepherds, although they were a part of the story. I just wanted Jesus, Mary, and Joseph front and center this year. Simplicity.

If you're joining me for the first time today, I wrote a post about making these trees HERE. They were super fun and super easy-peasy. No joke.

This is my other favorite Nativity in our house. Who doesn't love Veggie Tales? Laura Carrot (the angel) even sings O Little Town of Bethlehem in her sweet, sometimes slightly off-pitch voice. It's precious. Love the French Peas as sheep and Pa Grape as a Wise man.

We also have the Little People Nativity. The angel in this set plays Silent Night. Love those toys that play music. Eliza has already become attached. The set stayed set up perfectly like this for approximately.....oh, I don't know.......3 seconds?.......

And then she was there. Playing and rearranging. She even has Jerry from the Veggie Tales set in her left hand already. Maybe he wanted to play another part over at the Little People's manger.
Now...go check out the other bloggers in the Nativity Parade. Just click on the link below.


  1. My kids love our Little People Nativity. I love the Veggie Tales one. I've never seen it before. We love Bob and Larry at our house.
    I found you through the Nativity parade.

  2. That Veggie Tales one is so cute!! I am putting that on my list to buy for next year!! We got the Little Poeple one this year.
