
Monday, January 24, 2011

weekend recap

the Mathews had a super-busy weekend.
what about you?

here are the hightlights...

(caught in the act of....something)

so sweet, and yet...she's wondering what other mischeif she can get into...

playtime on the bed

I think E was actually trying to put her socks on MM


a project I'm working on for my Dad.
Do you have any idea how crazy difficult it is to get a 7-month old to spread their hand out flat so you can put paint on it? All she wanted to do was curl her fingers into a fist...

 MM (7 1/2 months) E (20 months) and O (almost 6 yrs)
Happy Birthday Pop!
We celebrated with him and the fam at an Italian restaraunt in town friday night.

had to get me and the hubs in there too...

Eliza asked uncle Kent to put this mask on her, ran to O's room and grabbed one of his sabers, and proceeded to come back and whack us all

Mary Martin was dedicated Sunday morning at our church- such a special day. Much of our family was there to celebrate with us. They showed pics of her and the other baby being dedicated on the big screens in the sanctuary. LOVED looking back at the pics of her as a newborn (even if I did send them in myself for the slide show). Something about seeing them up there on the big screens really made it all the more evident that the kiddos are growing SO fast. There were pics of us in the hospital when she was born, and with her brother and sister for the first time, and now all three of them look so much older, even though it was just 7 1/2 months ago. Good gravy,...she'll be 8 months in 4 days.

The other baby was Thomas Scales, whose daddy grew up with the hubs. His mommy also lived down the street from me growing up, so it was a special treat that he and Mary Martin were dedicated on the same day.

I was determined to get a shot of everyone after the service (missed you Aunt C!)
of course the hubs and his brother have to go and mess it up...

doesn't the hubs look handsome in his bow tie though?

and that brings us to today-
Oliver's class celebrated his teacher's birthday with a pirate/princess party

(a few sword fights broke out. naturally.)

pin the crown on the princess

and there's my O on the left with a couple of pirate buddies. I love the pirate face he's making...arrggggh...

didn't even get a shot of Queen Williams, his teacher. She had on a crown and a fab feather boa.
Love our school.

and tonight, we're off to celebrate three birthdays on the hubs sude of the family, Japanese style. SO many birthdays lately, and then O reminds me on the way to school that he'll be 6 in a month. One month from today exactly.
I'm not ready.
(emotionally OR decorative-wise)

hope you all had a wonderful weekend-
Any birthdays going on in your family?

p.s.- green slime also wipes off of my new BFF's
got some happy mail today that I'll be posting about later...

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