
Saturday, February 12, 2011

wedding pics (part I)

For those of you out there who may be planning a wedding,
or helping a friend/family member with their big day,
or just like looking at wedding pics (like me)-
here are some of my favorites from our special day.

I'm also posting pics from my wedding book that I created myself, you know,
since I knew exactly what I wanted when it came to a folder to keep all of my ideas, pictures, receipts, etc. together. I've also used this same system to create a scrapbooking/craft projects folder, and a house folder with flooring samples, paint samples etc. that I refer to as we continue to renovate our house. Folder pics and the run-down of the elements that we actually made ourselves will be part II since this post already has quite a few pics.

Ok- onto the wedding.

Me and my girls

my sweet O man

wedding party



the hubs and his bro

pretty dress

my mom and dad

the hubs family

groom's table with mini pecan pies & Vader

bride's cake

candy bar

guest sheets for the scrapbook & bouquets

fruit table at the reception

kid's table covered in brown packaging paper w/ crayons in the centerpiece

at the reception


Our wedding took place at our church which is where the hubs and I actually met 23 years ago. (yep, we were kiddos when we met. No love-at-first-sight for us considering he was 4 and wearing knee socks and velcro shoes. maybe. only a guess since I can't remember that far back) We were actually the first couple to be married in the newly renovated sanctuary, so that was a special treat. Our reception was in our church gym which is where we spent hours playing as children, attended many youth lock-ins, and both performed in the Easter cantata shortly before we started dating. Our wedding day was everything we dreamed it would be. Every detail held such meaning for us- the location, the people involved, the music. (After being announced as Mr. and Mrs. Clay Martin Mathews at the end of the ceremony, we walked down the aisle to the theme from Star Wars) We were so blessed to be surrounded by our friends and family too, some of which traveled many hours to be there for us.

So incredibly blessed.
So thankful.
God is good.


update on the salon visit:

this was waiting on me when I arrived-

and here's the new do-

(try not to focus too much on the bags under my eyes from lack of sleep)

Isn't my hubs a sweetie?

this post is linked with Decor to Adore's Wedding Wear party


  1. That HUBS is a keeper!! What a romantic !


  2. AND you are a beautiful Brid.. beautiful wedding and beautiful dress!


  3. Love your bridesmaids dresses... and you were a beautiful bride! I love your new do!
