
Thursday, May 26, 2011

More Pomps and Circumstances

We now have a Kindergarten graduate at our house.
He is SO pumped to now call himself a first-grader.
He is very aware of the fact that there are roughly 8 weeks until first grade starts.
His mommy is also aware of the fact that there are roughly 8 weeks before going back to school.

Here are some of my faves from Tuesday-

leaving for school on his last day as a Kindergartner,
and just to compare...

this was his first day of Kindergarten

with Dr. Lamon (principal) and Mrs. Williams (K teacher)

with his buddy, Grayson

yes, that's my big booty leading the graduates in a few songs

proud daddy and mommy

2 sisters who had to play on the stage once it was over

proud great-grandparents

That night to celebrate, I put up some easy, inexpensive decor, ordered pizzas, picked up some cupcakes and ice cream at Target, and
we had a party.

To make the party a little more personalized, I found these free Star Wars graduation printables online from Living Locurto, punched them out, and attached them to some toothpicks with hot glue...

 and voila!
Star Wars graduation cupcakes!

I blew up a bag of regular balloons from Target (about 99 cents) and taped them up in the doorways and on the lights.
I also threw some on the floor too, ya know.
Why not?
The fabric pennant banner is also from Target (3.99) and while I totally could have made that myself, A)I didn't actually leave myself enough time to do it, and B) did I mention that I found that one for only 3.99? I couldn't have even bought the fabric for less than that!
thank you Target

On the dining room table, I placed one of O's graduation pics and some of his artwork from the school year

my mum had these graduation cap & stars cookies made-
aren't they aswesomeness?
and yummy to boot

Pop with the girlies.
Neither of which is wearing the bow or headbands I made the night before to specifically match the dresses they're wearing.
I'm not bitter.

not quite sure why I took a pic while we were praying, but there ya have it...

someone JUST wanted dessert

had to post this one because seester and mum are making some odd faces...

thanks also goes to Target for the cool plates/napkins

after the party, it was an all-out balloon-throwing-bopping-trying-not-to-pop-them-while squeezing-and-biting-them time,
and then....

the Mathews 5 settled in for a bit of TRON on the hubs new tv.

Such a wonderful day.
So incredibly proud of my no-longer-a-kindergartner.
So looking forward to an awesome summer with my kiddos.
So glad I didn't have to cook anything for that party.

Congrats Oliver!
We love you!