
Saturday, May 28, 2011

one year

today marks one year with our sweet
Mary Martin

what a wonderfulcrazyblessedwildincrediblylatenightsawesome year it's been with this little babe.
By far, the most laid-back of the bunch, until a few weeks ago-
when the screaming began.
I think this is her way of telling us that while she may be the youngest, she can definitely be the loudest!


We are so incredibly blessed that you're a part of our family, sweet girl!

3 weeks old

2 1/2 months

first Halloween- 5 months

first Christmas- 7 months
big sister likes to 'help'

M cubed

Mommy is still super jealous of your long lashes

9 month Dr visit

11 months, 1 week

you are SO ready to run around just like your brother and sister
And here you are 2 days before your first birthday.

I still can't believe how fast this year has flown by. You are the sweetest baby, even with your feel-like-my-eardrum-is-going-to-burst way of letting us know what you want. You love your big brother and sister and want to be doing everything they do. I know that any day now, you will be running around with them, I'm just hoping that your crayon & chalk eating phase is over soon.

Happy Birthday, baby girl!
We love you!

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