
Monday, October 17, 2011

Kentuck Festival of the Arts and other weekend happenings

Hello friends!
I hope you all had a lovely weekend!

Our town hosted it's annual 'Kentuck Festival of the Arts' on Saturday and Sunday, AND Groupon just so happened to have offered up an amazing deal a few weeks ago for 2 sets of weekend passes, AND it just so happens that I've missed it the last couple years. I remember my mum and grandmother draggin' my seester and I to Kentuck year after year after year and while it's something I'll be taking my own kiddos to now, I think I used to look back on it with animosity simply because they used to make us wake up at 6:00 so we could get there at the crack of dawn before all of the "good baskets" were taken.


For those of you who are non-locals, Kentuck is an amazing arts festival that brings in artists from all over the country. There are booths selling handmade goods out of pretty much anything you can make something out of:
wood, metal, fabric, clay, etc. There are also plenty of activities to keep the kiddos busy too- marble art, tie-dying, stamping, weaving, woodworking, doll making, painting, and more. Lots of good eats are there for the, ummm, eating as well. And as if that weren't enough, there's a ginormous playground right smack dab in the middle if you need to take a load off and rest for a sec while your kiddos run wild.

While there, my kiddos made a bird house, a corn husk doll, and a tie-died t-shirt. I also picked up a few goodies which are pictured at the end of this post.Below are a few pics I took while there, as well as some pics of the kiddos gettin' their craft on.

And for the record, I'd like to point out the fact that I pushed my two girlies in their limo stroller over very rough terrain for over two hours, getting the wheels stuck multiple times in either branches or huge honkin' rocks. Totally counts as a work-out, yes?

 One of my favorite booths was Yee Haw Letterpress-
based out of Nashville, TN and available through etsy

The shop offers tons of paper goods- calendars, signs, note cards, matchboxes, staionary, as well as t-shirts with original designs. I picked up this little goody to add to the gallery-wall-soon-to-be-above-my-desk.

Another of my faves was this booth-

She creates fabulous dresses out of scraps of old sewing patterns.
A few of her pieces were also placed in vintage frames covered in patterns.
So Cool.

I picked up this little ditty to add to the gallery wall as well, and would love to add more of her art to my collection in the future.

So that was Kentuck.
I also went to one heckuva Girl's Night IN on Friday night, made new flower pins for the shop on Saturday and Sunday night, and enjoyed an evening outside by a roaring fire built by my hubs on Saturday/Sunday night.
There may have also been some s'mores involved.
Need I say more?

Pumpkin flowers!
Perfect for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Fall in general, yes?

And, just in case a certain someone is reading, I apologize for not being able to incorporate a certain word that you challenged me with. I simply found it too, ummm...challenging, and also felt that it would be googled quite a bit, and well, it's not the prettiest of words. Come up with another one and I'll do my darndest to see that it makes it into a post.
Pinky promise.

Happy Monday Friends!

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