Hello Friends, and Happy first day of November!
Is anyone else a little muddled about the fact that it's actually November.
Maybe denial is a better word.
October flew by, just like those lovely planes on PanAm.
Anyone else watching PanAm, by the way?
I think it's simply mahvelous and a nice way to get my 60's kick whilst I wait for the return of Mad Men.
We did the whole trick-or-treating thing last night which pretty much involves us driving our kiddos to see their grandparents, great-grandparents, and aunts and uncles. I started early in the evening by costuming them all and plopping them, gently, onto our front steps for our annual,
"Here we are on the front steps in our costumes", photo.
As I'm sure you're aware, when taking photos of 3 kiddos who are relatively young in age, some will turn out better than others.
Then I set them free to roam the yard in their costumed goodness,
because what could be cuter than Little Red in a forest?
Little Red Riding Hood was just that.
Our graceful, demure little Cinderella.
Callie, you would have been proud.
Jango Fett with an eye patch from his Pirate Halloween party at school.
Before even leaving the house, we had one in tears.
Nothing new.
We headed to the mall first to see my SIL at work, but not before a quick costume change.
Optimus Prime came with us instead of Jango Fett. This is what comes from having as many costumes as you do regular clothes, and that it what happens when your mom has a degree in Musical Theatre.
Eliza, errr....Cinderella loved looking at the handbags and makeup.
Such a girly-girl.
She grabbed one of Oliver's bibles before we left the house and pretended to read it while we drove. Loved this pic of her with it in her hand while she is no doubt telling us something of great importance.
The night was fun and long and a tiny bit tiresome, but we put 3 very happy kiddos to bed last night. I may post a few more pics of our evening later on, but for now I'm thinking of saying buh-bye to all of the bats we have scattered throughout our house.
I will miss this Halloween mantel though. I've grown quite fond of it.
So what about you?
Did you trick-or-treat last night?
Did you fill up on your kids candy?
Since we only trick-or-treat our family members, our kiddos came home with lots of great books, a few small toys, some cereal bars, and yes...
a box of pah-tahs.
(that's pop-tarts in MM language)
I'm off to teach some music and then peel some bats of the walls.
Happy Tuesday friends!
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