
Sunday, November 20, 2011

A Vintage Baby Shower

Hello friends!
I'm so excited to share pics of the baby shower with you today!
We had an absolutely lovely party and I was thrilled to finally get to spend time with friends I don't see often enough.
And there's the babe too.
A sweet precious new tiny pink babe that we were celebrating.
Goodgollymissmolly she made my uterus skip a beat.

I'll be back soon with a more detailed post on things I made (decor-wise), and things we ate. For now- just wanted to show you some of the pretty.

My friend Aimee, her mom, her grandmother, and 2 of her girlies!

Brandy, Jennifer, Me, and baby Alaina. The hostesses with the guest of honor-
(sorry Aimee- in this case, the babe trumps you (the momma).
And did I mention I'll hold that sweet little one any time you need me to?

I had so much fun with this party and can't wait to tell you more about it. For now, I'm off to play with my own precious little ones, who are not so teeny anymore....


Happy Monday!

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