
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Disney days 3, 4, and 5

So I got a little behind on my posting. (Not to be confused with I HAVE a little behind.) After staying at Epcot until 10 pm watching the fireworks Friday night, then hopping on the bus and making it back to the hotel around 10:20, then getting kiddos and myself ready for bed, see where this is going. It was way late. Way. 

Friday was the day Oliver's choir performed in Downtown Disney, which was consequently the reason we were there in the first place. Disney has a fabulous rehearsal facility for groups such as his, and really- are we surprised? It's Disney. After a run-through of their performance, we all headed to the backstage area downtown and then, it was showtime.

Proud. Mamma. Moment.

And wouldn't you know there's a Lego store right across from the stage, which happens to be right there at the top of the list of O's favorite things.

After a quick trip back to the hotel, we were Epcot bound.

We ate a delicious meal in China,
Thank you Fairy!

watched a street performer in Morroco,

sampled pastries in France,

and used the loo in London.

We even found Aurora in an English courtyard.
There may have been squeals of excitement from those two little ones.

After watching what can only be described as a spectacular lights/fireworks show, we called it a night and were up early the next morning to head to Hollywood Studios.

We found Mickey,

saw the Little Mermaid musical,

rode Star Tours,

watched a Jedi training session,

and saw the Muppets in 3D.

Indiana Jones stunt spectacular!

Fairy helped O trade his very first pin!

Beauty and the Beast show-

FroZone and Mr. Incredible

Wreck it Ralph and Venellope

My sincerest thanks to Disney for the fab photo props placed in the line as we waited to meet Buzz and Woody.

The next morning, we made it back to Hollywood Studios to sign Oliver up for Jedi Training, and on a whim I auditioned for the American Idol experience. Sang for 3 different folks and got a ticket to sing in the 1:00 show in front of roughly 400 people. Won that show and got to go back to sing in the finale at 7:30 for an audience of 700 AND the concert was broadcast live on the big screens in the park for folks strolling by. Craziness.

Had my hair and makeup done twice. Did you hear that?
Hair and makeup.

That was a prize in itself right thar, sho nuff.

I was by far the oldest contestant to make it to the finale that day- the other contestants were 14, 16, 16, and 24! They were all great and I enjoyed getting to talk to each of them as we waited for the show to start. I didn't win the whole shebang, but had a blast and am so thankful seester was able to watch the kiddos since they couldn't come backstage with me. And did I mention I got my hair and makeup done? Twice?

After the 1:00 Idol show, we watched a concert,

Saw Mickey Mouse clubhouse Live,

(hair and makeup)

saw a Pixar parade,

and then it was Jedi Training time!

You know that feeling you get as a parent watching your child do something that brings them immense happiness, and your throat catches because you know at that moment they are thrilled doing whatever it is they're doing?
That. Times a million.
Jedi Training at Hollywood Studios was created for my Oliver.
Well...and others like him.

Here's a quick video clip of Oliver and Vader-

After defeated Vader, we took a few more photos in the park,


rode our favorite rides again,

built a droid,

and I finally got to ride Toy Story with my girls.

By the end of the 6th day away from home, we were all ready to head back and see Daddy.

The girls got to spend all day with the hubs yesterday-
he let them dress themselves and took them grocery shopping.
It was a magical day in frozen foods.

I'm so thankful for the opportunity to be a part of this trip, and so thankful my aunt and seester were there with us. Couldn't have done it without their help. This was a trip my kiddos will never ever forget, and I have a feeling we'll be doing lots of Mickey-ear wearing in the future.
They DO totally make you have a magical day.
Sho nuff.

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