
Monday, December 13, 2010

Check out the legs on that Shepherd!

our church's Christmas cantata (cantata, btw, is Italian for "sung" or "singing". Sorry...the music teacher comes out in me sometimes...) was Sunday night and it was Fab.U.Luss. I love love love singing beautiful music, so I was in Heaven. Well, I was actually in the choir loft at my church, but you get the picture. During a few of the songs, the TRUE Christmas story was acted out by people from my church. There was Mary, Joseph, Wisemen, Shepherds, and a really fake baby Jesus. Since I was in charge of finding the actors to play the Wisemen and Shepherds, I really didn't have to look much farther than my hubs man cave. (Thanks guys) Can you picture my hubs and his friends as Shepherds/Wisemen? Are you picturing that in your head? Well...I have pics (thank you Kara!!!), so you don't have to try too hard.
Here's our beautiful adult choir
 and our children's choir
 Jamie & Joey Hocutt as Mary & Joseph, and
Hamilton Sodergren and John Matthews as the narrators.
That's also our choir director, Jennifer Mills, with the super-fast hands...
 and then came the shepherds...
(my hubs is in the vertical stripes)
p.s.- there were gorgeous angels on the screens in the sanctuary
King David

I wanted to get a pic of my girls in their matching Christmas outfits...
this was about as good as it got.
(note to self- take Christmas card pics immediately you slacker)
 MM was out before we left church
 Backing up to Sunday afternoon-
we ate lunch at Mannie & Grandaddy's after church.
Clay was channeling Indy with his attire and Eliza doesn't like to sit proper-like in her chair.

 Grandaddy replacing a shoe...
 The hubs and Pop.
 more of E's antics in the kitchen.
FYI- the dog's food bowl has to be put away now because some little girl tried to eat it...

 O really didn't want to wear a sweater to church, but after stepping outside there were no more complaints.
It's crazy cold here in Alabama at the moment.
O and I even saw snow flurries as we were getting in the car before church!
Nothing to close schools about though...
And that was our Sunday.
I also went to the mall Saturday night.
I know!
 I HATE the mall, but I had coupons, and you know you can't just let those things go to waste.
It'd be a crime.
(p.s.- if you like The Limited or Belk, they are having crazy good sales right now. Just sayin...)

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