
Thursday, March 3, 2011

thrifty finds...

went thrifting 4 weeks ago and never posted my finds...
and they were good ones.
still are.

group #1 of thrifty goodness came from the Junior League's annual sale-

(no, I didn't purchase this beauty but couldn't resist taking a photo)

even going on the 2nd day of the sale, I found a ton of loot to take home.
Not just stuff I liked cause it was cheap, but actual stuff I will use-
Nester really has me thinking about not just buying stuff because it was a 'good deal', but because I actually have a use for it. I've bought far too many things in the past because I thought they were just 'too good to pass up'.

12 books
1 basket with liner
1 fab pair of shoes
2 decorative thing-a-ma-bobs
20 buckaroos

the Martha Stewart decorating book was a buck fifty.
total score-
such gorgeous inspiration inside

vintage wedding dresses.
need I say more?

these all ranged in price from .50-2.00
I love the show Castle- anyone else with me on this?
Couldn't pass up buying Heat Wave for .50

those decorative thing-a-ma-bobs were a buck a piece,
and the shoes?
They're Guess and were 2 bucks.

and this was an "I have to buy this because it's too funny not to"
check out the hilarity inside:

see what I mean?
it was 50 cents, folks.
50 cents

after leaving the Junior League sale, I headed straight to Almost Antiques in Circlewood. Here's what came home with me-

1 fabulous candle lantern
1 funky retro orange vase
1 giraffe (which will soon be white)
1 green/white ceramic dish
9 bucks

love this lantern-
I've seen this in catalogs and online for anywhere from 25-80 buckaroos.
Mine was $2
yep yep

and that green dish called to me since St. Patty's day is a-coming.

group #3 comes from the hob lob.
love it when I see those 80% off signs

I picked up another (much larger) thing-a-ma-bob which I'm planning to paint and a large frame that was 7 bucks (which I'm planning to turn into an inspiration board to hang above my desk)

the thing-a-ma-bob began its life valued at 30 bucks, but I picked it up for 6.
It's going to play a role in making everything on my mantel light, bright, and white

and last, but certainly not least, I picked up this floor lamp at Target for 12 bucks. I needed more light at my desk and this fits the bill perfectly. Of course, it doesn't sit on the desk, but next to it. Now all I need to do is work on a gallery wall above my desk and I can stick a fork in that project (and mark it off my 31 by 31 list)

have you found any thrifty goodness lately?

(this post is linked with Frugalicious Friday at Finding Fabulous
and Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays at Coastal Charm)

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