
Friday, March 4, 2011

Just a lil somethin for St. Patty's

I finally caught up on google reader today after bein a little behind on the happenings of blogland.
After reading one of Melanie's posts, I realized I hadn't posted about my St. Patty's decor, as sparse as it is...
 I made nothing.

after clearing away the legos and adding some things I already owned,
this is what we've got:

yes, I realize the greenery in those flower box thingys is puny-
'buy more green-stemmed stuff' is on my list

this printable came from Rebecca's blog, The Simple Things
do I get bonus points for having green walls?

the white vases are from Willow House (thank you Jennifer for tweeting about the 80% off goodies a few weeks ago!)
They were 4.95 a piece.
did you hear me?
less than 5 buckaroos for those cute goodies!

The cute lime limbs (is that what you'd call them?) are left over from our wedding (again, this was all about using what I had on hand)

and I posted about finding that shamrock-ish looking dish here.
it was 3 dollahs-

those black flower box thingys are also Southern Living at Home. Was I the last person on the planet to know that's the previous name for Willow House?
love their stuff-
will post about my other 80% off goodies soon...

In other news:
I bought a teething necklace online and it came in the mail today-

note to self-
clean the disgusting mirror in the kitchen.
moving on-

the necklace came from tweet baby designs and you can find them here.
I'll let you know if she actually teethes on the thing or goes straight for whatever else I'm wearing. In this pic she's actually holding my Lisa Leonard necklace, perhaps because it's more 'blingy'.

So- have any of you 'greenified' your home lately or do you skip St. Patty's day decor alltogether?
Anyone else have a babe that eats all of your jewelry?
Do tell-

(this post is linked with Categorically Crafting at Someday Crafts, and Show and Tell Saturday at Be Different, Act Normal)

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