
Monday, March 7, 2011

weekend recap

hello friends!
we had a very rainy + cold weekend here-
what about you?

lots of playing indoors for us.
here's a few of my favorite shots from the past few days-

our kiddos love playing with this magnifyer from the sharper image
(thank you Fairy!)

playtime with Daddy

working on adding pics to the 'house tour' tab on the blog. Every time I went to snap a room, it had kiddos in it, but ya know what?
that's our life
and so...
the pics shall have kiddos in them

even if they happen to be lying on the floor with a magnifying glass...

LOTS  of lego masterpieces were made on Saturday.
and did I mention that we never dressed the kids?
pjs all day, baby

the hubs taught O a thing or two about changing out spark plugs. Oliver may or may not have said he would just use 'the force' to change them...
and my, isn't that a precarious way to be standing on that chair?
Probably should have done something about that before snapping this pic.

E wore a pair of much-too-big-for-her glasses around the house Friday night. so I bought some just-her-size at Target on Saturday.

I also picked up some shelves at Target for 9 bucks, which the hubs was kind enough to hang for me right away-
here's the before

and the after

thank you hubs

more inside playtime...
stupid rain

I went to see Children of Eden on Saturday night with my friend Erin.
we made an ark that was filled with animal crackers to take to the cast backstage, ya know-
since the show is all about the happenings in Genesis.
Loved it, by the way.
Amazing music and an amazing cast and crew-
kudos to any of you that read this!

and before you get grossed out-
no, that's not blood...

it's hot sauce

all over the kitchen floor.

as if it's not already hard enought to get everyone dressed and out the door to church on time, a bottle of hot sauce fell out of the pantry and broke.
and as much as I love the stuff-
it stunk.
so, there I was on my hands and knees scrubbing the floor while one babe was crying and another was running around the house with no shoes because I couldn't find them and a diaper bag was missing and I had pasta cooking and no one had eaten breakfast and it was pure

Anyone else ever feel like the devil throws things at you to prevent you from making it to church? hmmm? Anyone else with me on this? I totally think that's what it is. He puts obstacles in our way just to make it hard, and I'll be honest, I had a little breakdown after the hot sauce.
but we still made it to church-
because God is bigger.
so much bigger.

so, HA

and here's our awesome children's Sunday School class-
that's Brett as Goliath and Emma as David
love my church family

and since I'm a total crazy person and like always having something to work on- I started another project Sunday night. It involves some of these-

and one of these.

and that was our weekend.
how was yours?
Anyone else have a breakdown in their kitchen over a broken bottle of hot sauce?

** can now subscribe to the blog with an e-mail address, just FYI. for those of you who don't blog***

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