
Monday, May 16, 2011

weekend recap: part II + an awesome freebie

Now, onto what occurred in the past 3 days...

even though baby girl was 11 months old on the the 28th of April, I just got around to taking her monthly photo with bear this past weekend.

can'e believe she's about to be one...

On Saturday, we took a little drive to my great uncle's house for a family reunion.

and those are just the desserts, folks...

leave it to Fairy to fill my kiddies full of cake...

Oh, this was just MY dessert plate.
I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, so I had a bit of ALL of them.
I'm sweet like that.

the sis + me
She's on her tippy toes, I'm suckin in my gut...

yes, thar's a lots of chilluns in that car...

Eliza bein a little mommy...


And, I just had to share this awesome freebie with you from a blog I just discovered called The Handmade Home-
I came across these alphabet cards Saturday afternoon and had them printed out in 8.3 seconds. Love love love that the pics are vintage.

Wouldn't these look fab strung up on a wall like this?---

Get yours HERE.

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