
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

what I wore Wednesday and other randomness...

it's that time of the week again friends...
linking with Lindsey and lots of other bloggers for What I Wore Wednesday-

tunic, skinnies- Old Navy
belt- Target
wedges- ?

t-shirt- Old Navy
just realized that E is grabbing my boo....umm, heart
cardigan- Sams (yep, the same place we buy 5 gallon bags of shredded cheese)

I'd like to also state that E is sportin her Mary Poppins dress and a pair of new shades from Kent and Kat-at (Uncle + Aunt)

not sure what seester's wearing, but doesn't she look cute?
my top- Old Navy
pants- NY & Co


we had a yummy dinner at Iguana monday night followed by a trip to Gigi's...

the awesome clerk stuck a candle in the one with sprinkles for E (birthday cake), to the right is Texas chocolate, below that is Cherry Limeade, and on the bottom left is Orange Dreamcicle.
My new fave is definitely the Cherry Limeade.

the birthday girl!
thanks to the hubs, I took a nice long trip to Home Depot and Target last night. A pair of tiny pink cowboy boots jumped into my buggy...

and oh, how she loved them.

Here's a look at some of the mess that prompted the need for a jaunt out the door to one of my happy places:

those are fruit puffs on the dining room floor, because that's where fruit puffs end up when an 11-month old shakes the container and then throws it to the floor while you're holding her.

She was not remorseful...

SO...I walked into the kitchen to retrieve a snack for O and my hand knocks over a bottle of hot sauce which falls onto the floor, breaks, and splatters half of the kitchen including my clothes. And yes, those of you close to me will recall that I did this about two months ago. I love hot sauce, it, but lately it has not been my friend.

I placed the babe in her high chair with clean puffs to snack on, changed my clothes, gathered a load of laundry to add to the coated-in-hot-sauce pants +shirt, opened the washer and found an entire load of clothes that had been washed but never removed. They had, indeed, started to mildew.

And that's why I needed 3+ hours to myself last night...


This is what happens when the hubs allows and even encourages craziness with the sidewalk chalk.

at least we had a nice little photo op with our blue-faced boy in a bush of blue hydrangeas.

Baby girl is oh so close to taking off. Good ole' Chicken-to-go is still helping babes take those first steps (since 1980)

Needless to say, the bath water was funky...

And when you pull dirt/rocks/general nastiness out of the babe's mouth and hands...

she does this-

I had never intended to have the girl's birthday parties together,

I had already planned and bought decor for both of them, so we'll just have 2 different themes.
And that's ok.

E's will be a bit of this:

with lots of these on the side...

and MM's party is all about this:

Party planning overdrive- here I come.

Happy Wednesday friends!

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