
Friday, July 15, 2011

color me tired

TGIF friends...

The babe regressed this morning and was up at 5 am.
Sweet babe.
Sweet early rising babe.

I'm basically just trying not to fall over on one of the kiddos, and since our coffee maker is covered in a layer of dust from the makeover and I'm too tired to go and clean it (that would require some shred of energy), then there will just be no caffeine.


I was planning to post an envelope pillow tutorial, but I think that will have to wait until tomorrow. For now, here's a look at a little of what we've been up to for the past couple days-

took a lil' trip to Lowe's on Tuesday to see the digital images of what our brandspankingnew kitchen will look like.
I'm in love.
Also picked out hardware- I'm going with the nickel bar at the bottom of the pic.

That's a pic of Van, our kitchen designer, who's been so helpful through this process.
That's also a pic of O looking through some countertop samples. All 3 of my kiddos did amazingly well considering we were there for 1.5 hours. I'd also like to give a huge shout-out to Van's co-worker, Paul, who brought crayons + paper for my kiddos once we hit the hour mark. Totally kept them occupied for the remainder of our time there.

Still eating in the dining room turned fast-food diner.

Headed to Chick-fil-a last night for yummy chicken and playtime.

After seeing O playing in the fun gym...

little seester thought she'd try it out too...

and liked it so much, we couldn't get her to come down...

So Daddy had to go in and retrieve her...

ah.....good times.
Happy weekend to you!

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