
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Those lazy crazy hazy days of summer

The heat has totally gotten to me.
It's Alabama.
And hot.
At 8:00 am.
no kidding-
by 8:00 am, it was already close to 80*.

Before the day is out, the heat index will be well over 100*.
It's making me lose my mojo.
My *crafting* mojo, that is.
All other mojos are completely in tact.
There are 5 projects currently underway at my hizzy,
 not to mention the mother-of-all-renovations going on in the kitchen,
and I can't muster the energy/motivation to finish any of them right at this moment. Instead, I'll just share a little of what we've been up to for the past few days.

The hubs and I had a nice little getaway on Sunday afternoon and went to see Red Mountain Theatre Company's production of Hairspray. A few of our good friends were in it, so it was nice to see all of their hardwork come to fruition. The show plays for the next 3 weeks, so if you're in or around Birmingham, don't miss it. Ticket info can be found HERE.


A little 2-year old that lives with me had her first pedicure yesterday.
Is it just me, or does nail polish automatically make one seem older.
My heart sank a lil',
not gonna lie.

Finished reading this yesterday and immediately went to our local theatre's website to see if it was still playing-

It's not.
It's also NOT currently on dvd, so-
it's in movie limbo.
Out there in space somewhere.
I want to see it now.


These are next on my list:

scored ALL of those books for a buck or less at the thrift store, btw.


The kids made some pretty rockin' potato heads yesterday while I was reading. There's just something so nostalgic and awesome about Mr. Potato Head.

Found this pic online yesterday and while I'd love to give credit to this beautiful foot/photograph, I have no clue where I found it.
What a cool place for a tat though, am I right?

The hubs said it would be a particularly painful spot to get one though,
and he would know. I just haven't ever seen one I truly considered for myself before this.
(Not that I'm getting one, you understand, but it IS an item on my list, so I at least have to think on it)

In kitchen news:
we have a wall...

sort of.

It's actually a source of centention between the hubs and I at the moment because I think it sticks out too far. As in, I'm afraid I'll bump my booty on it when I bend down to retrieve something from the fridge. And my booty isn't exactly of Kim or Beyonce or J-Lo proportions. We'll see what happens this week-
either the front section comes off, or it stays.
I'll post more pics on my kitchen update post this week so that YOU can make an informed decision as well.
(along with ME)

Also in kitchen news,
we bought a pendant light to go above the sink-

whatcha think?

It's made by allen + roth and we picked it up at Lowe's.
I'm loving the industrial look of it.
Also loving that the price didn't break the bank ($49.97)

I'd like to give a
 shout-out to Jennifer for featuring E's Barbie party on her blog today-

Hop on over and say 'hi', and tell her I sent ya!


I've also added a 'Parties' page under the header of my blog so that you can find all of the Mathews parties a lil' easier. Planning to add to it as I write about past + future parties.

 Who saw Design Star last night??
What were your thoughts?
(I totally thought Meg should have been packin' up.
That table was a total hot m-e-s-s.
I guess J's room wasn't all THAT either though...)

Favorite picks?
I LOVED Mark's Air Force tribute.
Totally rocked it.)


that's what I've been up to in a nuteshell-
saw a musical,
read a book,
found a cool tat,
lost my crafting mojo,
watched Design Star,
and bought a light.

Also going out with the girls tonight and
I. Can't. Wait.

Hope you're having a wonderful Tuesday!

and if any of you have any tips on how to get my crafting mojo back,
I'm all ears...

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