
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Don't ya wanna buy our stuff?

Top o' the mornin' to ya!
We've been listening to the Mary Poppins soundtrack lately so Bert is on the brain...

I have lots of news to share, starting with the fact that we are having a
this Friday and Saturday.

I actually started preparing for it about 2 1/2 YEARS ago when we moved into this house.
yep, you read that right.

I'm a bit of a procrastinator,
 my friends, when I have to pack up the entire contents of my kitchen because we're completely tearing it apart, and I SEE and PUT MY HANDS on items that haven't seen the light of day since I unpacked them 2 1/2 years ago,
well my friends,
I say THAT is a sure sign that it's time to rid ourselves of these said items.

I give you exhibit A:

A quesadilla maker that we've used once since we've been married

It really is lovely, what with all its sombreros and whatnots, but it's time we parted ways.
Perhaps some of you fancy a quesadilla now and then?
I donated quite a bit of O's old clothes but still have tons, I say TONS of 18 month-4T little boy clothing. I KNOW someone out there can use these.

I'm accepting the fact that I'm a mom of 3 and will NEVER have the pre-baby body I once had. Also accepting the fact that I need to let go of the egads of clothes I've been holding on to in the hopes that I'd magically wake up one day and be uber-skinny again. This is a Laundry top, size M.
Want it?

This is a super cute dress that I never wore-
tag still attached.
Size S

Limited dress, Size 6

Anne Klein top, size 4

Limited top, size M

There are gobs more, so I'll try to list a few more pieces each day.
Most are size 4, 6, or small.
Please come and get them so I'm not constantly reminded that they don't fit.

Also- tons of scrapbook supplies for all you crafters. This Creative Memories folder is FULL of stickers...

Since I've simplified how I scrapbook I no longer have a need for LOTS of the supplies that I have. There will literally be a table with nothing but scrapbook products on it.

You know you need some.
That's Leo on that box.
Take him home.

More scrapbooks.
Tons and tons.

More pics to come,
 if you're local and would like in on some of our yard sale goodness, e-mail me at Funnygirl33180(at)aol(dot)com for directions. I'd love to see you, and really- what's better than a good yard sale on a Friday/Saturday morning?

As for what the other members of my family did whilst I was cleaning out-

MM occupied herself with some Little People for a good 30 minutes. And see the blanket she's playing on? It's the comforter from yesterday's post! Love stretchin' that dollah.

Ever give your kids a camera to play with? O could amuse himself for hours  with my camera. It's so fun to see what he deems picture-worthy too-

like this:

and this:

and this:

and I even let him shoot some video-
there's a gem at the end of this post.
Stay tuned.

O and E had some fun making remixes on the hubs iphone.
Anyone else enjoying the remix of the eHarmony cat lady video as much as I am?


Last night was Monday, which of course means
Design Star time on HGTV.
I've been watching each week at my friend Jamie's house, and when I came home last night, I found THIS in my kitchen:

The fact that the hubs is cutting O's hair is not, by any means, odd. We've always given O haircuts. What bothers me is how short the hubs likes to cut it. Oliver, of course, thinks it's cool to have hair like Daddy but I'm his momma and I love his curls.
Can't help it.
Ah well....
it'll grow.

Hubs also gave his friend a cut.
A friend who hasn't had short hair for quite some time.
Hope he isn't having second thoughts today...


And now,
 for your viewing pleasure, I give you Oliver's directorial debut.

I call this,
"The 6 year old narrates his way around the playroom"

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