
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

thrifty finds...

Howdy friends!
Hope you're having a wonderful Wednesday!
As for me, I just made it home from Lowe's after finalizing our kitchen
All decisions have been made, colors picked out, cabinets ordered, coutertops ordered,
it's all done!


Now comes the wait, not that we haven't been waiting BEFORE now. Estimates are that it will take 3-6 weeks before we'll have shiny newness in our kitchen, so until then,
we shall wait.
In the meantime, there's still sheetrock to go up, and painting to do, and fabric to pick out, and one last row of cabinets to rip out.

(I just got a lil' tired typing all of that. What is wrong with me?)
Today's post isn't about the kitchen. It's about a lovely thrifting trip I took with a friend a couple weeks ago and never posted about. I've mentioned my firend, Erin, on here before- she's the one who takes beautiful pictures like this:

and this:

(I'm so shameless....any excuse to post a pic of myself......(grin))

So- here's some of what we came across while at Alabama's Thrift Store a few weeks ago-

lots and lots of baskets and wicker items crying out to be spray-painted...
can't you hear them?

this was actually pretty cool-
it's a coffee mug from a theatre, and since I'm a theatre gal, it caught my eye

these would also be a spray paint project, that is,
unless you actually LIKE the yellow and the fruit.
I won't judge.

this cute little perfect-shade-of-Tiffany-turquoise mug came home with me. At .58 cents, how could I NOT take it home?

Erin didn't want me to take a pic of HER, but, she did find this rockin' kitty artwork.
Which reminds me-
anyone seen the "I love cats" eHarmony video?
I digress...

I'm all for getting rid of things you no longer use so that someone like me can come along and buy it and turn it into fabulousness, BUT, don't leave your pics IN the frames, mmmkay?
It's just wrong.
If you happen to know these people, who I'm assuming are much older now, please let them know that their picture is in a frame at Alabama's Thrift store on Skyland in Tuscaloosa.

Also, if someone could please tell Donovan Crawley that his accelerated reader certificate is there, that'd be great.

Crocs cell phone case, anyone?

Ahhh.....the jewelry.

There's usually some really good stuff in those jewelry cases too. Be warned though, if you happen to find something you want to purchase, you'll have to take a number with you to the check-out counter so that the cashier can go to the jewelry cabinet and retrieve a basket with your jewelry in it. Heaven forbid, you'd try to steal that 79 cent necklace you wanted.

And here's a look at what I actually deemed worthy enough to bring home:

Lots of mason jars that were used at the girls parties. (There's just something so Southern and so right about drinking out of a mason jar) Also some lovely tea cups + saucer + creamer that were white with turquoise on the inside (LOVE), a frame which I totally intend to paint and turn into awesomeness, a couple of books, and a rockin' ohsofabulous mini pink guitar- (see pics below)

The Hairspray book was a PRIZE, and I only wish there'd been two of them since Erin and I were both in the AL premiere and happen to be lovers of all things musical theatre.

The script is inside, along with some really neat anecdotes from the authors + composer

The other book had some really neat quotes that would make cute framed artwork.

There's O trying out the snazzy pink guitar. Props to Erin for seeing it in someone else's buggy and stealing it for me.

Ok, I'm TOTALLY kidding. It was in another buggy, but we asked everyone around if it was theirs and no one, that's right- NO ONE claimed it. So after about 7 minutes, it was totally mine. Fair, right? We really did try to track down the shopper of the buggy and its contents, but after a while, it was really only right that I take it home. Didn't want it to feel unwanted + neglected by that abandoning shopper.

So, that's another installment of thrifty finds.
Have YOU found any thrifty goodness lately?
Or have you, perhaps, seen something in someone else's buggy that you just had to have, and then waited and waited for that person to come back only they never do so you took it?
Do tell...

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