
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A hodgepodge, if you will

*** The chevron pillow covers giveaway is still active until Thursday, August 4***
I'm having so much fun reading about your favorite movies! Keep the comments a'comin! You can enter daily too, so pop over and tell me about another movie that you love, AND, if you haven't entered yet.... what are you waiting for?
Comments must be left on THIS post to be entered.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand GO!

Happy Tuesday!
I have lots of randomness to share today, and since it's Tuesday, you know I'm gonna start with this:

**Design Star**

Did you watch?
What were your thoughts?
Did you love the winning room?
Are you as ready for Cathy to go home as I am?

For the past 2 weeks, she's pulled the,
 "You do the demo and painting while I go do all the shopping, mmkay? Bye."
No wonder the other designers have problems working with her.

 I took a little trip yesterday to a place I don't visit very often. In fact, I usually try to avoid this place at all costs, but since the hob lob was blown away and this place happens to carry scrapbook paper as well as toilet bowl cleaner, well...
I did what I had to do.

If you've been reading this blog for any length of time, you know I'm a Target girl. It's nice, it's new, it's always clean, I can sip on some Starbucks while I shop and they have the best clothes. The best. Target also sells scrapbook paper, but I needed it in bulk in a 12 x 12 size and I happen to know that Walmart's price on plain-jane scrapbook paper is better than Target's.
I have nothing against Walmart, mind you, but the one in my town is always crazy crowded and I've never once been there and not had a weirdo talk to me and/or touch my babe.

**A piece of advice from a mother of 3**
If you see a cute babe or small child while you're out shopping, and you don't know this babe, it is perfectly okay to make silly faces and talk to that babe or small child in a silly voice and totally make a fool out of yourself. I do this all the time. It is not, however, okay to ever ever touch said babe or small child and invade their personal space. EVER. This will make the mother freak out and turn into the mother lioness that you've seen on Animal Planet mauling large animals when they've come too close to their young. I have become a lioness several times since becoming a mother and it's almost always happened when someone got too close to my babes at the Walmart. I can't help it. People should know better but they don't. If you're a complete and total stranger, I don't know your story- have you been sick? Did you recently touch something disgusting? Do you bathe on a regular basis? Do you do drugs?

This happened, yet again, while I was shopping at the Walmart yesterday. I stopped to look at the little girls clothes (of course) and a woman, who also happened to have a small child in her buggy, came up beside me and started talking. It's perfectly fine to talk. She told me how old her little girl was and after seeing my phone in my hand (which had my shopping list on it) she explained to me that she had a cell phone too, until the small child in her buggy had thrown it into the bathtub. I chuckled and commiserated with her for a second about kids and how crazy they can be sometimes. And then I started to move on. She was already giving me a weird vibe.

I walked to the other side of the kid's clothing department where I'd spotted a cute pair of pjs. She followed. Now she's asking what I've found, and, "Oh what a pretty dress that is on your little one!". She touches MM's dress. "Oh what a pretty flower that is in her hair!" She touches the flower in MM's hair. I was barely able to stop myself from clawing her or altogether pouncing, but, I restrained. Did I mention she was missing a few teeth? I have no problem with people who are missing teeth, mind you, but again...she produced a pronounced weirdo vibe and had a bit of the crazy eye going on. I thanked her and got the heck outta the kid's clothing department.

where was I?

Oh yes,
I took a trip to the Walmart to pick up scrapbook paper for school and toilet bowl cleaner and a few other random items, and came home with this-

Hippo-on-a-bicycle pjs. How cute are they?

and these,

Simple little summer dresses- $3 a piece

and these,

LOVED these separates. And the bloomers are built into the skirt- $4.50 a piece

and this.

Cute little toucan top for $2

Can you tell she was proud of her new pjs?

You'll never guess how much they were.
Want to try?




What's your guess?

Because here's the ticket-

That's right.
 One whole dollah for a pair of cute pjs for my E.

If you have younguns, you might just wanna get yourself to a Walmart. And remember- tax free weekend is THIS weekend if you're local. If that's not incentive to go forth and shop, well I just don't know what is.


Have any of you heard of the online decor magazine

The Fall 2011 issue came out yesterday and it's full of beautiful images and articles. You can subscribe for FREE too- just click the title above to go straight to their webpage and sign up to have it delivered directly to your inbox! Besides $1 pjs, getting a brand new home decor magazine in my e-mail box is pretty darntootin cool.


One last shopping tip before I spend ALL of your money-
There are TONS of 'deal a day' sites that you may have heard of/already subscribe too-

but if you haven't heard of Rue La La, well then it's high time someone told you.

A little over a month ago, I picked up these:

Cute, right?
And amazingly comfortable.

Each day, there are a handful of boutiques/brands that offer some of their items at a discount for the day. Yesterday, Vineyard Vines Kids was on sale, and since I'd picked up clothes for the girls at the Walmart and since O is the only one who actually goes to school and would need school clothes, I thought it was only fair to pick him up some goodies. Plus, I just sold over half of what was in his closet because it was too small. Here's what I picked up for my O man:

The Vineyard Vine polos were $15 and the t-shirt was $7.50. Now, I know some of you might be saying, "Isn't $15 a lot to spend on a shirt for your kid to wear to school where he'll drop his lunch on it and roll in it on the playground?"

You'd be right.
But here's the kicker-
when you suggest Rue La La to friends, and they subscribe for the daily e-mail of what's for sale (subscribing is FREE, btw) and if they make a purchase, well then my friends, THEN you are given credit to spend yourself. I just happened to have $10 in credit, THANK YOU KOURY, so those shirts for O were actually $10 bucks a piece. And that I can live with.

what are you waiting for?

Just click the link above to go straight to the site. Also- I must warn you- sometimes the deals are SO good that they sell out quickly. In fact, I didn't check the site until late last night and by that time, most of the Vineyard Vines stuff had SOLD OUT. The 3 shirts I picked up were the only ones left in O's size. **Word to the wise- don't wait. **
I've linked to each of the sites above so that you can check them out for yourself. Sometimes the deals are GREAT, sometimes they're a little lame, but it can't hurt to see what's on sale, am I right? All you'll have to do to subscribe is enter your e-mail address.


And that's my randomness for the day.
I'm off to work on decorations for my classroom which I'll be sharing with you soon. Still can't believe it's time for school to start.

Happy day to you!

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