
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Happenings and such

That's the longest blogging break I've taken in a while.
It's a crazy time-
we've sped right into Christmas gathering/concert/party/present swap hyper-drive. Yes, yes we have.
Have you?

I am this {   } close to finishing all of the Christmas shopping.
After today, I plan to be this close: {}
as in pretty much done.

I wanted to post some pics of a few of the gatherings/concerts/parties/present swaps that we've attended/hosted/swapped at thus far.




Our annual ladies ornament swap.
I look forward to this every year-
good friends, mounds of yumminess, and dirty Santa.
What better way to spend a Saturday morning?
So glad our pastor's wife was able to come.
She's been out of church since April battling cancer and it was amazing to have her back with us.
Love you Brenda.


The children's choir at church does a precious musical program every year which tells the story of Jesus' birth. And really, is there anything cuter than seeing little ones acting out the nativity in full costume?

That lil' wiseman in the middle is mine.

We went to a live nativity at a church near our school with all 3 kiddos.
They loved the donkey and this little nativity that we were given by members of the church.

After meeting up with hubs parents to pass off MM, we took the older two kiddos to see A Christmas Story at the Bama Theatre. This is one of the quintessential Christmas movies and seeing it live (especially when you know most of the actors) was a treat. I snapped this on my phone and I know it's hard to see, but this is the scene when Ralphie comes down the stairs in the bunny pjs.


We had a 'Tacky Christmas' party at our house.
Have you been to one of these?
I went to the thrift store to pick out my attire and hubs went to Belk.
That's right.
He was in brankspankin new clothes and I was in something that's been around since 1983.

My sincerest apologies if you happen to own the sweater hubs is sporting.
It really is quite lovely,
just not on a man.

His brother came in the same thing.

Here's our youth minister and his wife and their 2 girlys.

Yes, Kathryn is freakishly skinny to have just birthed a babe.

She and Jonathan both raided their moms closets and came out with very similar vests.

Our friends Brittany and John Paul and their cutie-patootie-non-tacky baby girl, Turner McCartney

My lil dude sported a moustache all night.
He was also armed for most of the night.

We ate lots of yummy goodness and played a rousing game of Scene it-


Our church choir combined with members of the church where we are currently having services for the Christmas cantata this year. Was that confusing enough? (For more info on my church and why we're having services in another building, go HERE.) It was beautiful. Gorgeous music followed by a fellowship with both congregations after the service.


"Comfortable Christmas" at my hubs parents house.
As in, dress comfortably, which hubs took to the extreme.

Knowing hubs would be dressed down,
his brother chose to do the opposite, and so-
they looked like this:

The rule for gifts this year was to wrap up items from your home that you wouldn't mind not having anymore and that's what we played dirty santa with this year.

Hubs opened a box of Poly-grip and several old pie pans.
Sorry he's half dressed here.

His uncle opened several framed pictures from our house that hubs brother had stolen a couple days prior while at our tacky party.

There was also a can of Resolve in there.
Can't forget about the Resolve.

Hubs grandmother opened a pair of Flash undies.

Hubs mom opened a VCR/DVD combo from our house that no longer works.
We also threw in a VHS tape and a DVD as a bonus gift.

After hubs gave his first gift to his grandfather, (no, we didn't exactly play by the rules) he was free to open another.
It was a doozy.

Before you see the whole thing, don't be alarmed.
It's just acrylic paint.

Because who wouldn't want to open a pair of poopy undies?

Kudos to hubs aunt who worked her magic and made it so, ummm,

Here's just one of the many pics I had to steal back.
You know, since they were mine anyway.

The kids got real presents.
Barbies and costumes galore.
I'm so glad I have new Barbies to play with!
I mean 'they'.
I'm so glad they have new Barbies to play with...

and here's E in her new costume, complete with crown and wand.

And now I'm caught up on what's been a'happening around these parts lately.

I hope your Christmas season has been full and festive as well!

And FYI, the Witch was just liquidated for the 3rd time this week.

She's still on a Wizard of Oz kick and I love it.

Merry Christmas friends!

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