
Saturday, December 31, 2011

The soon to be Clark 3

Happy New Year's Eve friends!
I took some photos of my seester and her beau a few days before Christmas and wanted to share them.
This is me pretending to be a photographer.
I am not one,
although, like I said...
I pretend.
So excited that they'll be going to the chapel next Fall.

Also pictured is Harper, Chad's dog and their first child.

I'd like to thank my handy assistant, Oliver, for toting my lenses around for me.
He is most helpful.

I'd also like to thank Mal for getting this shot.
I have pretty much zero pics of me with my kiddos because I'm always the one taking them.

so thanks, Mal.

I'll be back soon with a re-cap post on 2011.
It was a dooooozy.

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