
Thursday, June 7, 2012

VBS 2012

While I do have more Wizard of Oz-ness to post about, I wanted to share with you what my family has been up to for the past 3 days. This year, our church partnered with 2 others whose buildings were also affected in the storm last year, and we're having VBS outside. Under tents. In a big field.

And it's awesome.

We're using Lifeway's "Amazing Wonders Aviation", and if you've used their materials before, you know how great they are. The music, the activities, the crafts, the bible verses that are included- it all works together so incredibly well that 'having fun' and 'learning about God' go hand in hand. While I realize this post will mean more to the church members involved, I thought it could also give some of you who will be using these materials a few ideas, such as turning a kayak into an airplane.

Here are a few pics from the past 3 days of VBS with Alberta Baptist, Pilgrim Rest Baptist, and College Hill Baptist Church in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. I'd also like to give a big shout-out to First Baptist for providing our food each night. It's totally rocked NOT having to make dinner this week, so THANK YOU.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

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