
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

what I wore Wednesday and other randomness...

Weekend Bloggy Reading
After a short hiatus, I'm bringing back my wiww posts and linking with Lindsey.
I'm sure you're all so excited that you could pee your pants.
or maybe not...

Anyway- I didn't take any traditional photos, but I did take some photos inside a dressing room at NY&Co.
So I'll go with these-

top, pants, vest- NY&Co

vest, shorts- NY&Co
sandals- Old Navy

I took egads of pics on Mother's Day, but this is the only one I managed with me + a kiddo in it. (thanks Mal)

It's appropriate tho since this was the first Mom's Day for me with this little one. I was quite large with child last year on this day...


TPS has an art show each year where one piece of art from each and every single child at our school (close to 800) is on display.
This is O with a friend from his class.
His art is on the top right (hands with flowers)
and his friends art is between their heads (clown)
classic O face

I'd like to apologize to Michael's for my attitude as of late.
I received not 1, but 2 e-mails from them yesterday, both of which contained coupons.
And yes, you can now use a coupon from your phone.

sorry Michael's.
Sorry I was ugly.
I'll be grateful for the craft stores in town that did not get blown away.


I have a new favorite thing to eat.
Found this in a magazine (Southern Living I think?) a few years back but have only recently rediscovered it in my recipe folder.
(yes, I have one of those even though it doesn't see a whole lotta daylight)

Guacamole Salad

2 avocado's, chopped
2 tomatoes, chopped
crumbled bacon
chopped red onion
1/4 cup of vegetable oil
1 tablespoon on cider vinegar (I love this so I add a bit more)
salt/pepper to taste

combine the above ingredients and spoon over salad greens.
Yum to the O my friends.
yum to the O


I leave you with some recent pics I took of the kiddos-

Happy Wednesday friends!

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