
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

So I trashed my dress...

Howdy friends!
Have any of you heard of the 'trash your dress' photo sessions?
I first heard of this concept (of pulling out your wedding dress years after tying the knot and doing a portrait session outside in unconventional locales) on Joanna's blog and loved what I saw.

After a quick google search, I came up with some pretty amazing images-

Cool, right?
Along with having the goal of actually getting my wedding dress to zip again after having multiple babes, was the goal to schedule a portait session like this so I'd have some rockin' awesome picstures to give my hubs for our anniversary. I thought they'd also make great gifts for my parents as well since they can never really have too many pics of me. (grin)

My friend Erin that took the awesome shots of my family after MM was born (including the pic on the left side of my blog header) was more than willing to traipse around with me in my wedding gown, and I am super excited to share the results with you. While I wasn't completely ready to 'trash' my dress, we did wade through some mud, sweat, and bugs in the extreme AL heat.

Are you ready?
Erin's mad photography skillz are about to knock your socks off...

my wedding rings!

pretty picture.
 total bugfest.

my three babes

and my personal fave-

Aren't her photog skills amazing?!
I am SO thrilled with the results and ecstatic to have these pics of me in the most beautiful dress I have ever worn. I must confess, though, that although it seems  I reached my goal of completely fitting into my wedding dress again, the last 2 inches of the zipper were a no-go. Erin used some industrial strength clips to keep it on me, and seeing as how I didn't flash anyone all day, I'd say it was a success!

Wouldn't you love a photo session like this? there a special occasion coming up that you'd love to have captured on film? Maybe you'd just like some updated pics of your kiddos, or your family, or yourself...

Erin would love to work with you-
Her website is HERE,
and you can also find her on facebook HERE.
pop on over and 'like' her page

I'm off to fill empty spots in my house with pictures of me.
Maybe I'll even stick a big one over the mantel ala Scarlett O'Hara?
"Oh fiddle-dee-dee....."

p.s.- for info on my dress + wedding, check out THIS post

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