
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Thursday randomness...

I'm a lil' bummed.
(again, not to be confused with, "I have a little bum...")

I started working on a fabulous easypeasy sewing project last night with the intent of sharing it here today and my machine up and broke.
Wouldn't sew a stitch.
Sad day.

I even tweeted a pic of what I was working on as a little teaser...

I know, I know....could I BE any more vague?

And speaking of twitter, do you tweet?
I actually jumped on the twitter bandwagon years ago, before marriage and kiddos, but I mostly just creeped on my favorite celebrities.
please tell me I'm not alone in that?

Anywho... I actually tweet now and sometimes it's even interesting. Or funny. Or semi-gross, depending on what's just happened here. And sometimes, it's really good stuff, like the link to a great giveaway. I even share when there's a new post here on twitter, so- If you're a fellow tweeter, I'd love to connect with you! I'm MKMathews (so original, I know).

Now- back to machine news-  I must also tell you that I might be getting a brandspankingnew machine out of this since the hubs decided he was going to magically fix the machine himself.(If you know my hubs, this will not surprise you in the least) While he is usually quite handy and can fix most anything around here that breaks, he's never had his hands on a sewing machine.
 After becoming completely and utterly frustrated with the machine, I took off for one of my 'happy places'.
I returned from a lovely stroll around the bullseye to find my machine with several pieces removed, all laying around my sewing table. (a.k.a. the dining room table) While he was able to put it all back in, it was, as I'm sure you've guessed, in a bit more of a mess than it had been before, so...
Hubs- don't be surprised when I tell you we have to purchase a new machine. Also, don't be surprised when I pick out a nice one.
Not the $99 one.

Now seriously- moving on...

here's my boy at swim lessons, which he is lovin...

we got there a bit early today so that we could all swim BEFORE it was blazing hot, and then leave once lessons were over. This plan worked out great. We'll be doing this again.

new bathing suits all around from Target last night. Because just one a piece wasn't quite working since we're wearing them everyday. And just look at the cuteness....

Also love love LOVE that she brings Barbie. Again, I'm one proud momma.

And...they had suits with tutus.
Need I say more?

Now we're home and relaxing with some PBS Sprout.
Here's hoping that my machine is an easy fix and it doesn't cost an arm and a leg.
An arm I could handle, but not both.
We've got that whole kitchen thing going on....

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