
Thursday, June 9, 2011

VBS- days 3 and 4

Today was our last day of VBS for 2011. What a wonderful week it's been! So many beautiful children learning God's word through hearing stories, reading verses, acting out skits, playing games, singing songs...
So many new friends from First Baptist as well. So thankful for their help this year. So incredibly thankful for God's blessings.

Below are some favorite pics from days 3 & 4-

Day 3- June 8, 2011

Melanie and I leading music

There's Carol again! I think day 3 was Cautious Carol? Wish I had taken video of her mad storytelling skillz.

Ms. Emily's class-
The girl in front is playing the role of Jesus, praying as the disciples are being tossed about in their boat at sea. Jesus calmed the storm, and then...

told Peter that he could walk on the water as well. Loved it when Peter, a.k.a Jake, looked back and 'fell' in the water. He was quite dramatic about it, but alas I have no pic.

 Cathie and her group

Jane and her group

The grill patrol, a.k.a. Dad and Don

Lisa's group putting together a NYC puzzle

Ms. Emily's group coloring a pic of the disciples in their boat

there's Jake as Peter again!

The hubs and I.
And no...he can't take a serious picture.

More music and dancing and sweating!
Bye bye baby weight!

Wednesday's craft was bracelets with beads signifying the plan of salvation. I remember making those as a kid myself.

This was the sweetest thing-
Jake driving Anita everywhere in her power chair. Couldn't tell which one of them was enjoying this more. So, so sweet. Of course, he also made the chair go up and down like at the dentist, but she just went along with it.

Day 4- June 9, 2011

I think this was Cautious Carol again. I'm sure she'll let me know if I'm wrong though...
(just kidding Carol)

Ms. Emily's group listens to the story of the lame man whose friends took him to see Jesus and had to lower him in through the roof .

Mel and I took lots and lots and lots of pictures. Only fitting to have a pic of her on here snapping away...haha

The kiddos were so sweet listening to the story with their bibles in their laps

she had little figures act out the story made of toilet paper rolls. SO cute and simple to make!

Pop with MM and E

More dancing and singing!

Mel and me.
Singers, picture takers and mommas of 3.

Today's craft was a picture frame made of rolled up newspaper.

today was also pizza day.

At the end of our 2 hours today, we gathered all of the kiddos to hand out one last treat...

a pair of shoes had been donated to each and every child at VBS! Smiles all around!

Each child also went home with a blanket and some certificates for more yummy food.
What a truly amazing week it's been. God showed Himself over and over- His blessings never cease to amaze me. So thankful I was able to be a part of VBS and to see His hand working in these young one's hearts and lives. To see them get so excited about hearing the stories and singing the songs and finding passages in their bibles...
Oh how I pray that the excitement over what they're learning won't end with the conclusion of VBS.

I'll be back to regular blogging tomorrow.
For now, I'm busy with my crafty-craftiness I'll be sharing with you next week!
Hope you're having a wonderful Thursday!

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