Today is the start of VBS week for my church and
I. am. pumped.
I'd like to give a big shout-out to First Baptist Church of Tuscaloosa for helping us this year since we're not able to use our facilities. If you saw my post on Friday, you know that we'll still be close to the church, but in an open area which is actually on the grounds where the West Alabama State Fair sets up camp each year. Holding VBS close to our church means that we're still able to minister to the community surrounding the building, which is in desperate need of some love right now.
Oh that we will be a shining light for God this week in this hurting community. How I pray that this years VBS would reach out to children/families who have never heard the Word of God, but would open their hearts to Him and believe.
I'd also like to thank my friends from 3 other churches who called and asked how they could help us with our VBS this year. God has provided for us in SO many ways since the tornado.
Take that, devil. We ain't cancelling- not no way, not no how.
The theme this year is Big Apple Adventure, and as most of you know, I heart NYC. Big time.
I'll be helping the kiddos learn the music/motions each day so Jeff (Slaughter) and I have been total BFF's this week.
I've watched him do the choreography for each song 20+ times on my laptop.
Total BFF's.
And...if you don't know who Jeff Slaughter is, chances are you've never been a part of Lifeway's VBS series. This year marks Jeff's 15th working with Lifeway and I'm a total Slaughter fan. He has a heart for God and mad songwriting skillz.
His songs are usually straight from the scriptures that are in the VBS lessons each day and they're ALWAYS catchy. I've been doing music at our church's VBS for several years now and while I'm a fan of ALL of his VBS music, I'd have to say that the Wiki Wiki song from 2008's Outrigger Island is still my fave.
Any of you remember that one?
Cardboard ukuleles and everything.
ah, memories...
Please pray that all goes smoothly this week and that no one passes out in the sweltering Alabama heat. I took the kiddos to Target tonight and noticed the temp was 91 degrees at 6:06 pm. That's hot folks. Being outside all week, singing and teaching choreography, I'm bound to lose some weight,
Pretty much inevitable I'd say.
fingers crossed
something else I'm pumped about...
next week on the blog is
craft week!
(cue confetti, noisemakers, and hurrays)
I've got some awesome projects to share with you, most of which cost
under 5 bucks.
So get ready. And in the meantime...
have a fabulous Monday!
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