
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all of you who care for children, grand-children, furbabies, brothers, sisters, parents, friends....

this day celebrates YOU.

And to my own Mum- I loves ya!
And my MIL- I loves ya too!
Thank you for allowing me to post 25 year-old pics of you on the internets.

I wanted to share what my boy made for me at school because it's made of awesome and would make a great gift for pretty much anyone.

Isn't it fabulous? A wooden frame that can be painted/personalized for someone special. I loves it. It's already found a home on the kitchen counter- Thank you Oliver, and thanks to his teacher, Mrs. Williams, for this precious gift!


I couldn't let another important date pass by without mentioning it- yesterday happens to have been the 5-year anniversary of the first official date that hubs and I had. It's a great story if you haven't already heard it - so check it out HERE. The past 5 years have flown. Seriously. Love ya babe.

**apparently, I'm worse at math than I thought. It's been 6 years since our first date. It came to me during Sunday School this morning that I'd counted wrong. Sheesh.**

We had an uber-busy weekend that's not even over yet, and I really can't wait to share with you what my kiddos have been up to. I am one VERY proud and blessed Mama. In the past 2 days, I've watched two of my kiddos perform on different stages and, just to reiterate, I. am. proud.

Until tomorrow, friends. In the meantime, I hope you'll get to celebrate with some special Mommas in your life!

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